Delicious meal from toasties

This meal was so delicious, i enjoyed every bite of it, discovered this delicious food delivery eatery, they served nice meal, i ordered this and it was delivered to me right away, the meal was just too good. Dont miss trying this place when you visit nigeria, they also serve vegetarian meals too.


Hi @JessicaIdahosa90

your meal looks actually delicious, thank you for sharing.
Can you tell us a little more about its composition? Is it avocado and with what type of meat?

as you can see here, I’m also a salads lover! :wink:

@Rich-r thanks for your comment. Oh sorry you didnt get to read what i wrote on the caption,

On the meal is, avocado and sliced barbeque chicken with some tomatoes, green peas and mint leaf

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oups… sorry about that @JessicaIdahosa90 and thank you very much.

Do you have a Gmaps link of this place in Nigeria?

@Rich-r nah i dont have a link to it, but you can type the name of this business on google map, type Toasties lagos, the business profile will display, then you can check them out and also get their address or phone number

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@JessicaIdahosa90 is it this one ?

@Rich-r yes it is👍

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Wow look god to bite it! so delicious @JessicaIdahosa90

What that meal made from? is that combine beetwen fruit or vegetable (the green one) and meat, or chicken?

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It looks yummy. Thank you for sharing.

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Hi Jessica’

WoW! Lovely pictures. It’s tempting.

Thanks for sharing with us.




@aaryesdee hello, thanks for your comment, ya it really delicious

@Ant_Bad_Yogi hello, thanks for your comment, ya it so yummy, you will always want more when you taste this delicious meal

@fafaguru hello, thanks for your comment.

Hello Fafa that meal contains, barbeque chicken with avocado pearl, and some tomatoes, green peas and mint leaf

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Its looks very delicious! Hope you enjoy a lot @JessicaIdahosa90
