Delicious! Chicken Drumsticks fried in Chinese Style

The medium sized drumsticks are deep-fried in the refined oil. Once the color of the chicken changes to light brown the drumsticks will removed from the frying pan. The drumsticks will then be kept aside till they cool-down to the room temperature. Later, they will be dipped in the Chinese sauces and seasonings, to enhance the taste further chopped bell pepper is also added. All the in ingredients is again fried at the lower temperature for at least ten more minutes till the chicken turns tender and soft. Chopped coriander leaves can be added as toppings.

Calories in one Chinese style drumstick: Approximately 159 Calories (Protein: 21.6 grams, Saturated Fat: 1.2 grams, Carbohydrates: 5.8 grams)


This looks delicious, @fasi6083 - would love to know more of the seasonings and other necessary items needed as I’d like to try making this! Is this something you grew up having?

By the way, since this is a food-related post, I’d recommend editing your post and recategorizing it to the Food and Drink category so our community of foodies can benefit from your recipe as well.


Hello @fasi6083 ,

Thank you for sharing these photos with us, the meal looks very delicious! Did you cook it on your own?

The Chinese sauce looks interesting, wonder how it tastes! Is it a mix of sweet and salt at the same time?

Is it possible to use chicken wings instead of chicken drumsticks?


@SP31 Yes indeed the taste was delicious. This was prepared by my wife and she tried this recipe before also. She added light soy sauce, honey barbeque sauce, Red Chili sauce and Chat masala.


@BorrisS Yes the meal tastes good, It is made by my wife and with her permission I have posted it on this platform. The sauces used are soya sauce, honey barbeque sauce and Red Chili Sauce (You are correct, it’s a mixture of sweet, salt and sour taste). My wife told me that the wings can also be used instead of drumsticks and follow the same preparation procedure.


Thank you for the confirmation @fasi6083 , it looks really tasty!

Can’t wait to see your future post.

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Thank you @fasi6083 ! :heart_eyes: :drooling_face:

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Looks delicious and mouth watering @fasi6083

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Wow! I am salivating! are you a chef?

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@Ewaade_3A Thanks for the comment, Iam not a chef, I just assist my wife in the cooking procedure, My wife does all the cooking.


Very good! Thanks for the confession, please pass the phone to the Madam to read my comment;

“Madam, I think you are doing a very great job, we love your cooking! It is so visually appealing, I wish I could have a taste. I love you because I see all the Love you put into making your meals. Thank you foe giving us something beautiful to look at, comment on and salivate about on ‘Connect’. I am so impressed!”

Thank you @fasi6083 for allowing me to pass my message to the Madam.

May your family continue to be united and especially around the dining table.

Best regards,

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