December in the city of Kolkata (India). December the month of giving!

My favourite month is December because in December Kolkata trans into more colourful. There are so many other reasons why this is my favourite month. December means joyous time,full of family friends,cold, boxing day. In this month I can try various types of cakes, oranges.

Kolkata is familiar by the name “City of Joy” because The people of the city are always joyful and they know how to share the joy with the people around the world. Kolkata celebrates so many joyful events like’Durgapuja’, ‘Eid’, “New Year”,“Festival of Light”, “Durgapuja Carnival” etc.
In December Kolkata celebrates the Christmas by it’s unique way and that is “Kolkata Christmas Festival”.


3D painting so interesting for me @TravelerProdipta .

Have fun guys !

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