Hola … . … …
Hi @lopezfranco And Welcome to Local Guides Connect.
Do you mean, your issue is about Street view trusted photographer badge? If yes then There is an issue for receiving Street View Trusted Photographer Badge on Local Guides Connect. I m facing same issue. And We will not be able to access to SVTP Community/BoardWithout this badge. You can Relebal your post by three dots under the post, from photography to How-tos, because in How-tos category you can get an answer of your issue more fast. But I m tagging here @ErmesT here for further guidance for both of us, because I also need solution for this issue.
Thank you.
good place
Gracias por la respuesta espero tengamos una solución pronto!
Thank you for tagging me @KashifMisidia , I wasn’t unaware that you were suffering for the same issue.
Street View Trusted Photographer program is under revamping, @lopezfranco (unfortunately everything seems to be delayed due to the Covid-19 issue).
It means that you can publish your photos and your tours, but you are actually not able to receive the SVTP badge in Connect, that is necessary to access the exclusive board, and you cannot actually be added on the “For hire” list.
I am tagging @mihal20 to add both of you in the list of the Local Guide to contact, when everything will be fixed.
Thank you both for your patience
Muchas gracias a ambos por la pronta respuesta,hace bastante no daba con ninguna, tengan un buen día.
Yes thank you so much @ErmesT ,
Yes I was facing same issue, and waiting for the ending of pandemic period. But now I hope I will get the SVTP badge soon.
Hello @lopezfranco and @KashifMisidia ,
I added your details in the list of users that reported the missing trusted badge on Local Guides Connect that is required to access the SVt board.
I will update you once the issue is solved; our engineers are looking into it.
As @ErmesT already answered, the trusted program is under revamp and for the moment the subscription for the For on-hire list are on hold.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Thank you @ErmesT for tagging me
Best regards,
Thank you @mihal20 , looking forward to get this badge soon.
Hola @lopezfranco ,
Como veo @esmest, @KashifMisidia y @mihal20 , te han explicado por qué todavía no has recibido tu insignia de Fotógrafo de confianza.
Ten en cuenta que voy a marcar la respuesta de @mihal20 como una solución y voy a cambiar la etiqueta de tu posteo a How-tos.
P.D.: Si deseas responder a alguien aquí en Connect no debes olvidar de mencionarlo en tu publicación. Así la persona recibirá una notificación y podrá contestarte. Te recomiendo escribir el símbolo @ seguido del nombre de la persona.
Hello @lopezfranco
Great to see SV badge on your profile I got it too.
We both should say Thanks to @mihal20 and @ErmesT
Thank you for your help Mihal and Ermes Toun, we both got SV Badge