The simplest and most casual things of each day that make you take out the phone and take a photo
Hello @Fern-boy ,
It is nice to have the opportunity to capture casual and beautiful moments like that. Thank you for sharing.
In the Photography section, Local Guides share photography tips accompanied by interesting photos to illustrate their skills. Therefore, it is important to write detailed posts, so other members may learn more about your own photography experience.
How do I write a post on Connect? and How to tell a story through your photography are two posts that will give you some helpful tips on how to do that.
Hello, I still do not know what I am going to write, but I have an unassembled idea about all the arguments that drive me to break the silence and defend my post.
I understand that a Level 6 is not a big deal, but in defense of that, I can say that I only post real things from places I really was and have an experience to share. (I have seen and read posts from people who do not know the place and that place does not appear in their vitacora of visited places; from which I deduce that they post lies to gain ranking, (which would not surprise me if you do not care, because They sell it anyway) but that in addition to being dishonest is harmful in the long term, because it detracts credibility from Google in general, with which all Google falls into disrepute.
Now about my humble photo:
I saw the four elements confused in a single image, even though that image seemed contaminated with an over exposed reality in the foreground, which made it more interesting for me, because it was like seeing a work of art through a window in full light of the day, with all those other parasitic images and those other elements not directly related, it was almost cinematographic from my point of view, something that lasted a few seconds and simply vanished, as suddenly as it appeared.
So my brief comment on the photo and the reason for the photo (we are supposed to be among photographers (amateur, hobbyist, or just people who have some basic notions of what photography is) then I don’t need to explain in detail (like here ) the reason for that photo, which the first thing he received from you, was an insensitive and disconnected critic that “instructs” me to tell a story through a photograph, and other insensibilities that I do not doubt you will tell me, which were a form to probe me (cliche).
Until yesterday, I was completely determined not to post anything again and not to defend my post, feeling misunderstood and criticized in a pejorative and dogmatic way.
I assumed my mistake was confusing google photos with “Instagram”
(I almost do not know instagram, because although I have been a subscriber for several years, I have a few photos, and most of them have been uploaded after your comment, determined to leave google photos and move to where they do not criticize me for not understanding me. It looks like a Persian market, more than a gallery. So I decided to fight again my more than 15 years posting photos (under different accounts) and to support and thank the few who dared to encourage my simple and silly photo only for photographers of heart.
I’m not an instagrammer, I’m a googler since the beginning my oldest account is more than 15 years old. (Probably you was at the High School by this time).
So, trust me, I know a little about google and google have a behaviour and personality very well defined.