A lot of Date Trees in my village and can be seen everywhere in our country. Usually, most of these trees are grows naturally as we are not farming because the Dates from the trees are not tasty like desert Dates or other countries. However, in our country we collect Juice (খেজুরের রস) from the Date Trees in the winter season in every year. We can drink this juice early in the morning; the juice is a bit sweet drink but not like juice from sugar cane or from Green Coconut.
In some areas where a lots of Dates trees there people make Brown Sugar from the Date juice. They collect the juice early in the morning from different trees and put in a big cooking pot and start boiling. After few manual processes they make Sugar.
It’s juice collected from a Date Tree from our garden in our village home. I was visited my village home last week and have this juice early in the morning.
Oh okay. Many people break their fast with the dates (especially the Muslims from Northern Nigeria), I use the dates for something else. I will like to taste the juice from the tree some day @AbdullahAM
Thank you for sharing this interesting juice from the Date tree @AbdullahAM
This is commonly available in Pune my hometown that has a large number of Date trees.
Though I agree that it is collected in the early morning and is best to consume as early as possible, boiling it is a new thing for me since I have always consumed the juice mixed with ice.
Can you tell that the benefit is of boiling the date tree juice?
I also like to have Dates and it’s one of my favorite fruits and have it all the years but especially in the holy month of Ramadan. You can collect this juice only in winter @Ewaade_3A
I’m glad to know that you also collect this juice from Date Trees in Pune @TusharSuradkar
Boiling is a process of storing this Juice for long days; when you’re collecting huge amount of juice then you can’t finish everyday morning, so need to store it for long days. When you’re boiling the juice it will become thicken.
Funnily I thought that Date Juice is made from the dates themselves but from your post and photos @AbdullahAM , obviously I am wrong and date juice is extracted directly from the tree! I’m always learning something new!!!
আমার মনেহয় কলকাতা তেও প্রচুর খেজুরের রস পাওয়া যায়, যেহেতু আমাদের দেশের সাথে কলকাতার পরিবেশের অনেক ভালো মিল আছে। আর আপনার দাওয়াত রইল শীতের সময় এই খেজুরের রসের আর শীতের পিঠা, কারন আমরা এই সময় প্রচুর পিঠা খেয়ে থাকি @BidurC
I’m glad that you just learn something new from my post @AdamGT
Yes, Date Juice collect from Date Trees not from the Date fruits. There is some preparation need for collecting juice from the trees at the beginning of the winter.
If you drink 2-3 glasses of Juice at a time early in the morning then it’s fine. If you take more than 4-5 glass of juice then you may have some trouble in you stomach. One more thing is that as time goes on, fermentation process take place and the taste of the juice is lost and acidity increases.