Ketika saya datang ke Dabra Papua tahun 2018 awal, saya tertegun bahwa masih banyak daerah di Indonesia yang tanpa listrik. Padahal Dabra termasuk kecamatan tua di Papua. Bagi yang kaya maka bisa beli mesin Genset. Bagi yang tidak mampu maka mereka dibantu oleh pemerintah panel listrik tenaga surya dari Pemerintah.Sinyal telpon juga tidak ada, yang ada yaitu Whats app melalui saluran parabola yang biaya kuota internetnya mahal.
Sedih saya melihat nasib mereka. Semoga pemerintah mengelokasikan anggaran lebih besar untuk daerah terpencil.
When I came to Papua Dabra in 2018 early, I was stunned that there are still many areas in Indonesia without electricity. Even though Dabra is an old sub-district in Papua. For those who are rich, then you can buy a generator engine. For those who cannot afford it, they are assisted by the government solar electricity panel from the Government. There is also no telephone signal, which is Whats app through a satellite dish which has expensive internet quota fees.
Sad to see their fate. Hopefully the government allocates a larger budget for remote areas.