Daily Routine

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic which has resulted in the lockdown of activities, i have heard so many individuals complain of boredom. The funny thing is that this are the same people who all complained of being tired of work and boring daily routine, now they all clamour to return to same lifestyle :joy: , this is purely what we call ‘uwa ezuoke’ in Igbo language. Thankfully so many people are paying attention to themselves and slowly discovering some hidden talents, some are beginning to harness them while others are still trying to figure it all out.

To maximise your time and also make sure to make the best of this period you should create a realistic time table of daily routines to help you go through everyday.

I will share with you my daily routine:

Every morning when i wake up i have about 30 minutes to just lay still in bed before getting up, then another 30 minutes or more for my devotion.

Then I stretch :point_down:


Most mornings i prefer to do some yoga but some other times I do the whole aerobic exercise.

Then I ensure to eat right :point_down:

A portion of coleslaw and roasted chicken garnished with baked beans and sweet corn.

Preparing the coleslaw is really simply and easy though alot of people like to prepare it differently. I will just give a breakdown of how i prepared mine.

Vegetables Used:


:black_small_square:green pepper



Wash all vegetables with salt and water. using a chopping board, cut the cabbage gently and put into a clean bowl.

Using a manual grater, grate the carrots and put into the bowl.

Then dice the green pepper too.

Take a portion and mix with a small amount of mayonnaise and serve with your sweet corn and baked beans plus roasted chicken. Theres another way to enjoy this :point_down:

another portion of coleslaw

For this i added cooked eggs, cucumber and avocado pear (the chicken was here roasted for too long :grinning: ).

Each day i adhere to this morning routine of mine I notice that i will be very active and energetic all day while carrying out my work tasks.

I also ensure to drink plenty of water during the day. Then some days i skip in the evenings.

There you have it, please share yours too.

Stay home and stay safe.


@Austinelewex oya come and share your daily routine with us.


Hey ??‍ :male_sign: @NkemNwobu I don’t know you practice Yoga. This is a surprise for me.

Let me tag yoga Local Guides @Ant_Bad_Yogi @TravellerG to give you ideas.

By the way, to your question. My daily routine is sketch, learn guitar, write poems,play video games, play chess or monopoly, cook etc.

The routine are numerous sometimes it doesn’t follow normal procedure.

Here is pictures. ?

picture of my paint work on Windows.

picture of me playing video games







@NkemNwobu its a trying moment we are experiencing but for real we have to keep our lives moving forward


Ans somebody… @Austinelewex .

Well mine have been turning out :yum: :woozy_face:


@Austinelewex oh wow! I’d like to read some of the poems you have written. I am glad we are all looking at the bright side of life in this trying times. Meanwhile i noticed the food was served by a green painted nails :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: . Can’t wait to learn more yoga poses from @Ant_Bad_Yogi and @TravellerG .


@And12-X2 yes it is really a trying time but we have to do all we can to be safe. This too shall pass. In the meantime, engage in some activities to keep active so the pandemic doesn’t cause you a mental breakdown.



Guy you are flexible oohh

I remember when I was much younger


@Austinelewex Nice routine. :slightly_smiling_face:

@NkemNwobu Cool. I love yoga too. I practice 30 minutes a day as I’m too lazy. Hahaha. Thank you for sharing this post with us.


Impressive! @NkemNwobu


Hahahahah @NkemNwobu

Disregard the green nail… Just focus on the food… Indomie is a very easy and quick meal to prepare. Hahaha

Even a toddler can. :slightly_smiling_face:



Wow yoga that’s great exercises make calm and peaceful ,


LOL indomie on last picture so tempting


Oh wow that’s really nice to know @Ant_Bad_Yogi I am new to it but i am loving it already. Yes some days i get lazy too.


Lol @ogewuru I used to more flexible in my younger days too. Yoga is helping me get back to being flexible.

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@NkemNwobu I get lazy too, that’s why I’m a bad yogi.


@Ant_Bad_Yogi :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: