Cycling in north Dalmatia (8): Island in front at Sibenik

Photo 1: Psychedelic reflections: memories of Pink Floyd

Eighth day of this trip to northern Dalmatia. Waking up at dawn and strolling through a completely deserted Sibenik, only a few cats fit into the lens of my camera. I like to photograph early in the morning when all the tourists are still in their bed and miss the most magical moment of the day, its beginning. Nobody on the street, the best light. Everyone takes pictures of the sunset, they consider it romantic. for me the dawn is much more romantic, the dawn of a new day with its possibilities, and not the end of a day like the sunset where the balance of the day is made. Today we did a few km by bike, about fifteen with about 200 meters in altitude. We spent the rest by ship on a tour of the Dalmatian islands opposite Sibenik. Very fun ride while we enjoyed the natural beauty that others see on boat trips taking advantage of the Jadrolinija line ferries. We have crossed the strait of the channel of the port of Sibenik. Here you can perfectly understand how well protected the city was in ancient times, fortifications from various eras could be clearly seen. You also pass near a Venetian fort in the middle of the sea, right at the entrance to the canal port. The ferry stops on the island of Kaprje and then heads to the island of Zirje. The passages between islands and islets are very suggestive. Many islets are nothing more than green hemispheres emerging from the cobalt blue of the sea. Even today the day is very hot even if it is only the end of April. We landed on the island between the somewhat incredulous eyes of the inhabitants to see tourists on bicycles, evidently not many come here to pedal a bit. We did an exploratory tour on the other side of the island to see some coves with the hope of finding some rare orchids, but we had no luck, indeed not even the shadow of orchids.

Virtually all the roads are unpaved and we noticed that the few cars on the road don’t even have a license plate. The excursion was quite short and we returned to the port long before the ferry left, good reason to photograph curious things like the reflections of the water on the side of the ferry. Hi everyone. See you tomorrow for the return to Zadar.

Photo 2: Portal of the Sibenik Cathedral

Photo 3:Sibenik at dawn

Photo 4:Sibenik. The Great Lodge

Photo 5:Sibenik at dawn

Photo 6: Sibenik

Photo 7:Sibenik at dawn

Photo 9: By ferry to the strait that leads to the open sea

Photo 10: The Venetian fort

Photo 11:Kaprje island

Photo 12: the ferry maneuvers to enter the port in Zirje

Photo 13: Small church on the island of Zirje

Photo 14: on the streets of Zirje

Photo 15: Waiting for the ferry to return

Photo 16: a cove of Zirje

Photo 17: Islets

Photo 18: Islet


This is a really beautiful place, @plavarda

With all of those building made of stones.

I can only imagine how to live here centuries ago. Especially with the cats.

Thanks for sharing. Beautiful pictures!

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Thank You so much Dear @iorikun301 . Many human history Is crossed trough these constructions and May Be Also cat’s stories! :joy:

A hug.


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A però siamo già al numero 8… come vola quando la lettura è interessante.

Le foto sono eccellenti come sempre ma la foto di copertina con i riflessi psichedelici è favolosa! @plavarda concordo con te sulla preferenza dell’alba, spesso in vacanza in montagna mi è capitato di avere la stanza con balcone da cui poter vedere sorgere il sole e così, mi preparavo il caffè, quando avevo la macchinetta in camera e con la mia copertina mi sedevo fuori ad aspettare il fantastico spettacolo dell’inizio di un nuovo giorno, mi dava un’energia straordinaria! Quanto mi manca.

Certo che fate proprio dei bei viaggi :biking_man::female_sign: bravi bravi :hugs:

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@PattyBlack ed ecco qui come premio l’alba di oggi, anzi prima dell’alba, quella luce incredibile per pochi!!. In pigiama a -20 per te!

un abbraccio.


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Fantastico!! Grazie mille @plavarda mi ci voleva dato che la mia alba è stata davanti al PC in smart a lavorare :pray: ma -20?? E dove sei in Lapponia?? :smile: :smile: spero almeno che non era un pigiamino di seta… :wink: un abbraccio e buona giornata! Dopo aver visto questo spettacolo non potrà essere che buona!

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Cara @PattyBlack siamo a Slingia in val Venosta. Il paesino è a 1800 metri di altitudine e sopra di noi c’è il confine con la Svizzera. È nel comune di Malles, veniamo da 30vannu per le vacanze di Ferragosto ma è la prima volta d’inverno!

Un abbraccio


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Bello! @plavarda braviii :clap: :clap: sono felice per voi. Vi auguro buona vacanza e buon relax! E ovviamente aspetto di leggere il tuo racconto e di vedere le foto :+1: :hugs:

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