Crossed 100,000 + photo views on Google Maps! Super happpyyy....!

Hi All,

I am super excited today as my photos have crossed 1 lakh plus views on Google maps! Yippie!!! (Yup… I danced a little with joy too ! :dancer: )

I am happy that my contributions are helping someone somewhere to navigate with ease and are helping them decide whether a place is worth the visit!

I know that many of my fellow local guide friends would have already crossed this mark a long time ago… But I thought of sharing my gratitude and joy with all of you because I believe that “Happiness multiplies when shared”…

Lets help others,be motivated and #LetsGuide :slightly_smiling_face:

I am proud of being a Google local guide!

Thanks for being part of my happiness journey…


Congratulations @Globe_trotter_Ish

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Hi @Globe_trotter_Ish ,Congratulations on your achievement!


great moment of appluase… congratulations.

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Congrats :tada:



Thank you to all :blush:


Thank you all to all those who wished me… This was one of the big milestones for me being a beginner then…

Now that I crossed 2 lakh views , I have set my next milestone to 1 Million views…Keeping fingers crossed !!

Trying to take better photographs , thanks to @PaulPavlinovich for conducting amazing photography virtual sessions , I am sure will come up with more amazing pictures now!!

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@Saiyen Thank you so much…

@AsgharMalikIslamab @user_not_found @ShahMdSultan Thank you so much for appreciating me…

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