[Creating Impact 5] |The places you added have reached a new record of 9M views on Google Maps|‌

Hello Fellow LGs,

Pleasure to share about touching million hearts :heart: through the impact of my added places on Google Map.

The last 0.5 million views of my added places took place within 4 weeks from my last post on Creating Impact 4. This has now touched 9 million views.

Thank you each one of you helping, guiding, teaching and reading my post in whichever capacity you do. Gratitude!

Please share your experience about impact of added place on the map by you as LG.

Keep building informed community stronger :muscle: together.

Signing off for now.



Well done, dear friend @Kumaarsantosh , Congratulations on achievement 9 million total views on places you have added. 0.5 million views in just four weeks is icing on the cake! :tada: :tada: Wishing you many more milestones in your future!


Thank you dear @PrasadVR for your compliments and best wishes.

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Greetings :cowboy_hat_face:


Congratulations for your achievement :clap: :clap: :bouquet: :clap:

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Thank you brother @HASHIM_AK for your best wishes.

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