Creamy connect cake(CCC).

I have been busy these last times but still have connect in mind. Its been a while since I posted anything yummy like this so here you go again.

I actually baked this creamy cake on my own with very little advise and help from a friend. It’s the normal baking ingredients you know before now. The procedures are much the same as well.

I like my connect logo and still enjoying travelling around with it as well. Hope you like my CCC. I really enjoyed every piece of it. Not done yet and you are welcome to a piece if I can ship it over to you.


মনে হচ্ছে বেশ কিছুদিন পর আপনার পোস্ট পেলাম @SholaIB তাও আবার কেক নিয়ে এসেছেন :yum:

@SholaIB Yummy :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Thanks for sharing with us.

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Hahaha ! @MohammadPalash

Yes I have been busy at work now am trying to regain grounds again and be active.

I am a very chronic foodie. Most of my meet up does go with food. If you also noticed during the guiding star even last year,I was featured with ice cream animation. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: .

I’ll put up other posts soon but this to start with. It was quite delicious and I wish I could share it with you all in person.

Thank you for your comment. Hope you are doing good? Have a good weekend.


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Hello @jakiripsc

Its very yummy yes. I wish I could share some with you physically. Thank you for the nice comments.

Hope you are having good weekend. I am doing good thank you.


Seems very yummy cake @SholaIB

তারমানে সামনে আপনার আরোও মুখরোচক খাবারের পোস্ট সহ্য করতে হবে হা হা :joy: শুভ কামনা রইলো @SholaIB

Hello @DN_31

Yes the cake was very yummy it’s all eaten up now,otherwise I’ll love to send you a piece. You will like the taste I bet you.

Anyway keep informed here on my post. I might bake another thing soon. Thank you for comments on this post. Happy guiding.
