Cooking Skills Improved During Quarantine

I am not really good at cooking or anything in the kitchen and I even failed to bake a simple lemon pound cake with mix, friends always make fun of me about this joke.

What I only know is how to add hot water into a instant noodle bowl so I love and tend to dine out on a regular basis.

My roommate and I started to cook everyday during the quarantine and we set a goal that we will try not having the same dish twice.

He has a great sense and better knowledge of cooking so he is the chef of our home restaurant and I am in charge of ideas & eating.

We have an Asian stomach so the majority of our recipes are Taiwanese, Japanese or Korean.

Sometimes, we would like to challenge ourselves by cooking Italian, Mexican and American… which we might have difficulty making them authentic.

We felt our skills have been improving and will keep working on new recipes.


It looks yummy and delicious @Wei929

Thanks for sharing it here with us on connect.

Best regards


@Austinelewex Thank you so much for your compliments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Wei929 this is the perfect time to learn cooking. Good work.

I have also started making dishes in my quarantine time, although most of the dishes are very basic.


@sparekh Thank you so much for your compliments. These are also really basic but I think we can try something more difficult this week🥰


@Wei929 Wow kind of benefit from Quarantine!? hahaha So there’re so many delicious food you made, especially the first one, hotpot I guess? makes me drooling. I’m sure now you got great cooking skills.


@Melissa_FoodRadar yes, it’s Budae Jjigae, Korean army base stew :yum:


Hi @Wei929 ,

I can completely relate myself with your this post. I had zero knowledge about cooking before this quarantine period, but now stepped slowly into it.

I’ve tried some dishes and would like to do more experiments with cooking. :grinning:


Aw! @Wei929 It sounds funny that you are in charge of eating :yum:

all the dishes looks great.

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@Tushar18 @Its nice to hear that you have same experience and feeling :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

I believe we will be pro one day :rofl:

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@mimran7212921 @There must be someone in charge of finishing without leftover :rofl:

Those dishes look delicious, :yum: what was your favorite? @Wei929


Yah @Wei929 of course!

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A lot of mouth-watering and delicious foods @Wei929 . You are spending time in a great way. I also try to spend some time in the kitchen :grinning: to see how delicious foods are made there. Thanks for this nice post with beautiful photos.


@Ale_003 @Thank you so much for your compliments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my favorite is the 1st photo: Korean army stew, as known as Budae Jjigae :shallow_pan_of_food:

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@MukulR @Thank you so much for your compliments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@Wei929 :kissing_smiling_eyes: nice!


It looks great! I too have been cooking more since I have been quarantined and finally cracked open my cookbook! I love the challenge you created.

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Hey @Wei929 ,

All dishes look great and congratulations to you and roommate for having such amazing cooking skills. I’m sure all of the meals are delicious! Your photos are very good!


@KatyaL Thank you so much for your compliments and we will keep improving :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: