Contributing to development of Cabo Verde

Throughout recent history Cape Verde has played a central role. It was a trading point for slaves, a pirate crossing point, and more. We are a small country made up of 10 islands in which 9 are inhabited. I can say that we are a country with 9 destinations each with its own particularities. I lived a long time in portugal where I have always used Google Maps and Google Street View and when I arrived in Cape Verde I noticed that although we are a tourist country and with many places of rare beauty, the content published in Google Maps and Google Street View is scarce. That’s why I created a project, CaboVerde360, which intends to publish all points of Cape Verde in Google Street View. So the more than 1,000,000,000,000 users of Google Street View and Google Maps will be able to know my country virtually. I also believe that contributing to Google Street View is to contribute to the development of tourism in Cape Verde, which annually receives 750,000 visitors, and consequently to the development of the country and so I do it with all the pleasure, love and passion! So far, I have mapped 1% of the area of ​​the country but the images already have more than 1,500,000 views.