I saw through my searches that in the past there were a lot of issues with the “contribute” counts. Mine is OK: photos: 2,936 views: 253,021.
Although last three days my views are getting steadily increasing, I can’t see these photos in the posted Map locations anymore (last 3 days).
It may be related to Google Cloud failures, but I couldn’t see any link yet if this is the case.
Please check the following Map location (I created it where I can’t see my photos anymore in it) to see if they are visible to other users.
I can’t see any of my posted photo at the moment in the Map while I see them in Contribute Photo tab.
Thank you.
A brief description what I have been doing lately:
I designed and enhancing/finalizing a web-application (not a website though: a (RCP) Rich Client Platform and (SPA) Single Page Application, a core JavaScript design with the Grid/Flex CSS) for Park City, Utah.
My “philosophy” is to treat Park City, Utah as if my Space-City while my home in Park City is my Space-Ship.
Our Park City UT is one which includes all: (Mr. Park City (all about Park City, Utah excluding the Ski Mountains/Resorts) and the Mountains:
Ms. Park City, Ms. Deer Valley, Ms. Utah Olympic Park, Ms. Woodward, Ms. Sundance, Ms. Solitude, Ms. Brighton, Ms. Snowbird, Ms. Alta)
Mr. Park City although is in Progress, the “Trails” and “Parks” modules are mostly completed.
Currently we are working with Vail’s PC Mountain/PC Canyons and Deer Valley Mountains’ Ski Lifts/Trails.
The rest of the Ski Mountains are in “To Be Done” status for the Photos.
While we were taking the Photos/Videos, we realized most of these locations were missing in the Google Maps so we also started to add them into it.
In this process we hope to understand the users’ interests into these places.