Kashif has been a great host, we had people from different part of the world joining this beautiful (and also fun!) meetup, accessibility champions like @ChinonsoOnukwugha, @Jesi, @Sagir and @ShafiulB but also @PennyChristie who has been awake till very late in the night to join.
The meetup started updating each other with the current lockdown situation we have in each country, well we attempted to get the record of who was the one since longer at home (this is the fun part!).
The real discussion first started around how everyone is making contributions on accessibility on Maps, what’s the tips and tricks about that from our accessibility champions.
Kashif then conducted the discussion on few main questions about accessibility:
How is accessibility awareness in your country and how businesses are dealing with it.
What’s the importance of an accessibility meetup in your area.
In the mean time we had @OmerAli who was keeping us laughing with his entertainment ?:
A Local Guide “flagging” when a new attendee was joining the meetup
Wow @LuigiZ Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful recap of the Virtual Accessibility meetup. Believe me before meetup, I was bit nervous, because this was my first international meetup which I was going to host. But after meetup, I got great confidence, just because of you guys. I never enjoyed any meetup then this one.
you are a very good person and believe you were a great host allowing us to enjoy this meetup. I’m really glad to read this experience gained you confidence .