How to post a contest entry?
A contest entry is a function that is not actually implemented on Connect. You see the indication on you private profile because it is a standard structure of Lithium, the system on which the community is hosted
Hi, Thank you very much for your nice gesture. So there is no need to post any contest entry.
Thank you @Gurukrishnapriya for asking the question, because i have also the same doubt and now clarified by @ErmesT .
Many of us have doubts of same kind. Nice that we get clarified by seeing others.
Feel free to ask @VijayaNagesh , @Gurukrishnapriya
Moderators are here to help.
We also have an Help Desk board, where you will find an explanation of most of the questions about the community.
Help desk is Frequently Updated according to the request that appear on Connect.
We also have a search bar on the top of every page, that can be used to search, before to post a new question, as the same question have maybe already responded several time. In this case we didn’t have so many question
Yes now I am finding some answers like you have mentioned.
Thanks a lot for your help.
It’s actually a good thing to ask questions.
Thank you @Gurukrishnapriya for asking and @ErmesT for giving prompt response.