Connecting Coffee through Culture.

I love coffee. It is one of the biggest exports in the world. All it requires is good water and a proper grind to enjoy it. Being an armchair traveler is not always that bad when you can sample a little culture from another country, even here in Japan, a country I reside in. Japan is one of the biggest importers of coffee beans in the world and it never ceases to amaze me at how rare the beans they get and sell. I am here now enjoying an Okapa single origin with big notes of walnut and dark chocolate. Not faint notes, but big noticeable ones even from the untrained palate.

So, let’s connect through coffee. @AnthonyMorant @JoeBee @JessEroro Even if coffee is not your thing, what beverage comes to mind when reflecting on your travels around the world.


@TonyAlexander também amo café, não vivo sem meu “pretinho”. Pode estar um calor de 40° que ele está presente no meu cotidiano.

Minhas saudações de alegria e paz e um ótimo café :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:



Das erste was ich morgens benötige ist Kaffee. Ohne Kaffee würde ich wohl sehr lange benötigen um richtig in Schwung zu kommen :blush:


Hi @rosanabtl Thank you for your lovely comment. Are you familiar with Hario? It is a coffee produce line that is very popular here.

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Olá @TonyAlexander não conheço nem nunca ouvi falar.

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Hello @rosanabtl Thank you. What is your favorite coffee?

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@TonyAlexander No meu dia a dia tomo café normal, desses que a gente compra no supermercado, sem luxo. Tem uma marca de café que gosto muito que é “Favorito”.

Minhas saudações de felicidades e paz.

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