I can’t fully express through text what travelling the world means to me, how enthusiastic I am while doing it and what it makes me feel
I can tell you that I work for an airline for this purpose now.
Local guides program is one of my favorite things to do on my way back from a trip or when I get home, it takes me back to the place and makes my analyze and realize how the “present” felt at the time
It’s not obvious for me to have these realizations sometimes, and I think not a lot of people gets to have it anyway…
It’s easy to forget and just move on, or to get so messed up with our current problems, and I feel like we usually “don’t have” the moment to take a step back and enjoy our best memories
When sharing my experience, not only I am helping the next ones after me to make the best choices, but I also help myself remember and enjoy my memories and to experience it again and again
It’s like writing in my notebook but then sharing it with everyone
And I love it