Connect Live 2019: the times we had

This time, last year…

Throwbacks are always fun to share, reminds me of all the sweet memories. So here is my bit of little moments, big memories from Connect Live 2019. Life got tough this year, how about looking back & cherishing the good old times.

An Animation of memories from Connect Live 2019

So it all started from “You’re in”…

It has been a year now, feels like yesterday… meeting all these wonderful people, learning & relishing. Connect Live 2019 was a life altering episode, new experiences, new friends & whatnot. It couldn’t have been any better, all thanks to the wondrous team at Google.

The days were loaded with nothing but surprises & bliss. I had never met so many people all at once in my whole life and meeting them was the best part of Connect Live 2019. Now I have friends from all over the world, how incredible is that. I remember jumping out of joy most part of the day, every-day of Connect Live.

From endless photographs to the world market, the Google store and all those amazing local guides from all over the map, all united under a single roof was a good cheer. From what happened next left us all at a loss of words… a Pixel 3XL!? Haha so this is how you feel when floating on cloud seven… I still relive those days now & then from my memory bank and it brings big smiles every single time!

Connect Live 2019 did wonders in untold ways, not only it brought us closer, it gave all of us a platform to speak our minds, share our experiences & learn all possible things from each other, a lifetime opportunity to cherish forever.

Grateful for the one to one time with Googlers, gave great knowledge as well as the workshops. Going places, exploring things and making new friends day in, day out was legit. Surprisingly that wasn’t it, as a zesty night awaited us. Another surprise? That night we stepped into space & danced the night away with food & friends making countless memories.

For each day brought a new adventure, the days kept getting better & better… the good times we had made us laugh… Just when we thought, this is it, Boom! It was raining gifts. More swags & a pair of the exceptional ‘local guides socks’ it honestly took me by surprise & tears of joy… :joy:

As soon as we knew, Connect Live 2019 came to an end with goodbye hugs & wide smiles.To one hell of a journey & to all the marvelous local guides. Cheers to all those amazing memories and more of such amazing days! I hope to see you again. Cheerio, take care!


A wonderful time indeed @RiyaM thank you for bringing back so many memories!



I love your beard @PaulPavlinovich the color is just so me :smile:


I always like to do something a little different each time I go @Sophia_Cambodia and I was dared to do the pink beard so I did :slightly_smiling_face:



Oh, I see @PaulPavlinovich that’s lovely!

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Thanks @PaulPavlinovich :smiling_face:

Missed a new look this year, looking forward to see one next year… :dancer:t2:


Thanks for sharing wonderful memories, @RiyaM

My social media channels are popping up with messages all the time.

So I want to share with you guys a video and a post I made when we knew that Connect Live 2020 was no longer on a schedule

Pure Joy - My Connect Live '19

You are in the video too, @RiyaM , together with other 199 Local Guides and more than 100 Googlers

Have a fun


Thank you for remind me about CL2019 @RiyaM

It’s was amazing and enjoyful


Such an incredible video @ErmesT loved it how it took me back to CL 2019 days in minutes… :smiling_face: Can’t get enough of all those photographs. Thanks, have a good day!


Thanks for sharing this wonderful collage @AbdullahAM Cheers to all those super awesome CL 2019 days.



WOW :sunglasses: !!! It just took me back to our #TeamIndia session of IVM - 03 with you !!! It was great fun and you took all of us on the tour of it and surely inspired many for the upcoming edition of Connect Live.


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Thank you so much @AjitThite :smiling_face:


Great video @ErmesT thanks for sharing it

I hope there will be a 2021. Australia’s main airline Qantas just announced they do not intend to schedule any flights to Europe or North America before 2022…


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Wonderful memories, so beautiful photos to remember the great times we had indeed. Lot of friends, everywhere, what a fantastic oppurtunity!

Big hug and thank you for sharing it back :heart_eyes: .

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Thanks @LuigiZ Grateful for I got a chance to meet all these amazing local guides & it was nice meeting you, I must say I’m learning the Selfie Spirit day by day. Thanks again, good day. :smiling_face:


Wonderful @RiyaM and thank you very much, my pleasure :hugs: .

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So many good souvenirs @RiyaM

Thanks for sharing


Thank you @Julien44 :smiling_face: