Connect Live 2019: Goodies

As promised in my previous post, I’m here with an article all about Goodies. After all, that is, has been, & will always be the talk of the town.

Starting from the Introduction party, to the goodbye brunch, endless Goodies were given to the 200 Local guides representing their respective nations.

-From a Pop Socket for our phones to a Brand New Phone itself,

-From Local Guides Stickers to the Pegman (my personal favorite)

-From the Neon Bag to the devilishly desired pair of socks. (everyone’s favorite)

Talking about Socks— We all know the pair of Local Guides Socks are highly in demand and why not! All of us had our obvious rationales for getting at least one of those.

When I received my second pair on the final day of CL2019, I was certain one of these pairs is going to get framed and hung on the wall. Believe it or not, they truly deserve the imperial treatment.

-How are you treating your local guides’ socks?

Talking about Pegman— Ever since I had seen Pegman posing everywhere on Social Media with Local Guides from around the Globe, I wanted it in my hand somehow. Now that I received one, it’s my new favorite thing.

Anecdote— Just for a moment, imagine a kid who keeps yearning/dreaming of a special trinket, every time she passes by a store.

Now imagine, what would it mean for that kid upon receiving the same trinket in her bag from Santa.

The only difference, in this case, is that Googlers are the Santa & I was that kid keeping an eye on the store! They gifted me exactly what I yearned for over the past few months.

-Are you taking Pegman to your next travel adventure?

Talking about Gift Exchange- Alongside the goodies that we all earned during CL2019, I’d like to present to you what I gifted to my fellow Local Guides during the Gift exchange.

These hand-painted magnets, according to me, were a modest way to express how much I adored being a part of CL2019.

On the other hand, Local guides brought some brilliant gifts from their hometowns— of which some were sweet, some were innovative, some were inspirational, while others were visually stunning. The diversity could be seen everywhere like in our dresses, in our languages, and in the cameras too!

Lastly, what-so-ever you like to call them- Goodies, Swag or Perks, they will constantly be the reminder of our contributions toward this platform & one of the finest means of encouragement.

-What do you like to call them, Goodies, Swag or Perks?


Hi @ReemaGandhi,

wonderful post, it reminds me the beautiful and amazing time at CL19. Yes goodies are a very nice part of the event, and besides all google swags (my socks btw cannot be touched and used at all LOL), it is also nice looking at all goodies from LG around the worlds, a little piece of this big family.

Thank you for sharing!


Wow @ReemaGandhi these are all great goodies. I like every gift which google send us. The magnetic indian flag is also nice


Hello** @ReemaGandhi **

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Connect Live goodies :slightly_smiling_face:

And describe your post so neatly and in a very good manner, i really like to read your experience and i respect your true feeling to be a local guide.

Hand printed magnet is literally a symbol of respect and honour, you activity is truly innovative and mesmerising. :slightly_smiling_face:

Bravo! for your next adventure :blush: :metal:

Keep sharing your experience with us, we like to read.

Wishing you Merry Christmas and New Year.


Loved reading about your summary of Connect Live goodies, @ReemaGandhi (goodies is also my preferred term, haha). Your magnets are so cool! The marketplace idea by the Connect Live 2019 team was even more interactive and fun than imagined and I’m so glad you got to attend this year for what I would say was the best event ever.


I would just love to take Pegman with me on my next around the world journey @ReemaGandhi .


Hi @LuigiZ

First of all, I must say your bundle of goodies is very well organized. How long did it take from the arrangement to the final pictures?

Secondly, you’re treating your socks the best way, they shouldn’t be touched or used in any case, what-so-ever. (:

And thank you so much for your words!


Hi @smartrwl

Definitely, the perks sent by Google towards our contributions are highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time! Appreciate it.


Hi @IshantHP_ig

Thank you a bunch for your attention.

I believe that’s the magic of this platform, there’s a lot to learn, a lot to share every day.

Those hand-painted-magnets took days to be accomplished, I was almost on the verge of dropping the idea at some point.

Merry Christmas to you too! Do you celebrate it?


Thanks a lot @ReemaGandhi , hehe yes it took a while, I believe it was something like 20mins :-).


I just love the collection . It is reminder of one’s contribution to the Google local guide. If there one thing I wish to have . It is the socks .it look so much attractive to me


Hey @ReemaGandhi fantastic pegman pictures, dude is getting super cold. Now some secret: i got multiple of your hand made fridge magnets with me. I put one for your brother too along with the Tee. Giving some to my friends and family and telling them our story of connect. :slightly_smiling_face: thanks again.


Hi @SP31

The best thing about doing (in this case attending) something for the very first time is that you don’t have any expectations or comparisons.

So yeah, I’m sure every year the team have some or the other kind of surprises for the local guides and this time, as you mentioned it too, Marketplace was a super-hit!

I got a couple of gifts for my family too. What about you?


You know what, @AdamGT I used to wish the same until I earned the Pegman.

Where in the world are you planning on going next?


Hi @Emmik20

Our local guides community is absolutely crazy about the exclusive pair of local guides socks, and why not!

They are one of the Best Perks we can ever earn as Guides. I wish you earn yours soon.


How wonderful! @GaganMishra

I don’t think there’s a better way to convey the CL2019 story to our friends & family. I wish you’d have told me earlier!

And so far as I know, he didn’t receive any magnets because he did tell me about the Tee only.


Hi @ReemaGandhi

Nice picture and so many good souvenirs. Thanks for sharing.

My favorite is certainly the Pixel 3 XL. I love it and it takes so good pictures. Do you enjoy using it? I can see that you use well the portrait mode.

Here are few pics I took with @CeciliaRatto @AlejandraMaria @LuigiZ @Giuseppe75 and @SoniaK during my trip in the US.

It is good to remember these great moments.

Have a nice weekend and see you around



Hello @Julien44 ,

Thank you so much for mentioning me. You are a very nice person and I am so happy to have met you. Hope to meet you around soon my friend!


Wow wonderful shots @Julien44 , thank you for mentioning! The portrait master class hehe, very fun and nice moment, besides all the others.

Thank you my friend.


Hey @ReemaGandhi , thank you so much for sharing this interesting post! I enjoyed reading about the Goodies. Best wishes for happy holidays and a magnificent New Year.