Today I was writing a post which will include two photos. The first (and subsequent uploads) appeared incorrectly, i.e. a portrait layout showing in landscape format. What causes this?
Hello @janina1
The wrong orientation happens because of faulty EXIF data in a photo.
To correct that, you need changing the orientation through some photo editing program like Snapseed and then upload that.
You will find the discussion in one of my posts useful to understand that.
@C_T The first image was larger than allowed on Connect, and had been compressed in the LitPhoto app on my ZFlip phone and downloaded from Google Play Store. The settings are set to restore original Exif data to the compressed image. When I see the details within the Samsung Gallery app on my phone, that information is there, apart from showing the image in its correct layout, and even in Google’s Photos app on my phone as well, which is where I uploaded from. I can check that out further in Lightroom on my phone, and get back to you.
Secondly, this is the sort of information I would expect to see in the Help Desk section here on Connect; possibly even your post, which I still need to read.
Hello @janina1
Your suggestions are welcome.
However, the How-tos section is for meant for posting queries and exchanging tips.
A lot of information is available on the help desk as well as through the search box.
Still, everyone is welcome to post a query here, let that be even a repeat one.
Thanks @C_T I am still feeling my way through this LG Connect forum! I still need to read your post re photo orientation.