I tried to do a search before posting a new topic but the forum search seems to be broken. I got the same result on PC desktop | Opera browser, and IOS on iPhone 15 Pro Max | Safari browser. The search was “formatting images in forum posts”
@nigelfreeney Not sure if it’s related or not, but there have been reports of Connect being slower than usual and it has been escalated.
As for your issue, I tried doing the search from Chrome mobile and was able to replicate. But when I refreshed, I was able to get results.
Tried it on Chrome browser on laptop, and while it takes a while for the page to load the search, I was able to get the results. Can you try doing the query search a few times and see if you can get the results? Also try refreshing the page.
I can see that resubmitting the search on mypc did end up with the results - thanks. I can also confirm that I was going to report that the forum was running even slower than it normally does. Feels like the database needs some tender loving care (reindexing etc maybe)
I have the same problem. Also, the site opening has slowed down a lot. I thought it was due to my internet connection, but it is a general problem. In fact, it would be great if we could install it as an application and share the images in a standard way. I’m sure the Google team is interested in the issue, but maybe if you convey my application idea to the higher units, it will become a reality. @ErmesT@LudwigGermany@MortenCopenhagen
All, the issue with Connect being slow should be resolved by now. The issue with searching is also fixed. I just tried doing a search and it gave me results just fine. Can you all share your experience now (both the Connect speed and search)
I think it is the first time I have used the forum without any significant delay - seems positively turbocharged.
Unfortunately, the issue of being redirected to the profile you pick from a list after you type the ‘@‘ sign, in a post/comment, is still present on my iPhone. I’ve updgraded to an iPhone 15 Pro Max since posting about that issue.
At least on the last 40 hours I can confirm that I had no issues with the speed in Connect nor with the search in connect. I believe the two issues were the symptoms of the same problem.
It would be interesting, and helpful for the team, to know if the issues reported in the community are related to something experienced and reported immediately, or something experienced in the previous days.
It would also be extremely helpful to have them reported directly here in connect, because this would give to the team the possibility to check quickly.
It is incredible for me to read some comments, like “There has been a few local guides on our team facing the same issue” or “We are all very familiar with this matter on the TRAC team”.
If so, why not to report it for a team in Google Maps to check.
I deeply believe that this is one of the main reason of having a community, because the experience of the single can help all.