connect 2020

The most interesting thing I’ve done as a local guide: just Guiding!

I mean when people in a hotel or a restaurant know that you’re an influencer they behave in a way to get a good rate from you. This is very interesting for me to know that I interfere in the appraisal and the fame of a company/business.

Me, wearing a kind of super power of a judge lol, (as I am very subjective cf. my views) is very interesting in the sense that it helps in satisfaction of future clients. That makes me feel really useful.

What does the Local Guides program mean to me: share and help through a network of volunteer with a common goal.

Apart from (re) discovering the world (because now as a local guide, I see the world as an assessor), the local guide program help people get their bearings.

The most satisfying moment was when my general accountant from the head office of my company in Berlin told me one day: “thank you Linda for helping me organizing my vacation, now I advise people to read your views before going anywhere, just in case you’ve been there before them”

This is really rewarding!

When people in a hotel or a restaurant know that you’re an influencer they behave in a way to get a good rate from you :rofl: . This is very interesting !

Knowing that I interfere in the appraisal and the fame of a company/business is an adventure in itself.

Me, wearing a kind of super power of a judge (as I am very subjective cf. my views) is very interesting in the sense that it helps in satisfaction of future clients. That makes me feel really useful.

Hello @Bog_El ,

Welcome to Connect!

Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.

P.S.: Just to let you know, I merged your identical post here.