Condong catur is a traditional market at Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
It is open seven days a weeks from early in the morning until noon.
It is a busy market because the place is near the main road and plenty access of small street.
Foodfor breakfast.
Jengkol stew for breakfast.
Fish .
Buying fresh fish is include the cleaning fish scales and innard.
How they show their product.
Using concrete table and in closed area, due the product their sell is consider high price.
Using concrete table, for selling meat, fish and vegetables.
Using removable wooden table for selling breakfast food
Using matrass direcly on the floor, this method are using by merchant that in the outdoor area.
Wrapping with Banana leaves.
Video about Pasar Condong Catur, a traditional market/
You will meet parking staffs that will help you to pull your motor bike or when the parking ramp is too hectic, they will help you to drive your motor bike to a safety place that you can ride easily.
Precaution signage.
In the area of crowded people, you must take care of some people with bad intention, taking advantage of you.
The management of Pasar Condong Catur put big signage that everybody shoud be carefull.
Take care of conterfeit money.
You shoud focus of what you want to buy, do not wandering or day dreaming.
The other commond criminal act is , gendam , hipnotise somebody and make somebody inconciously handover their money and jewelry .