compartir, share, teilen, partager, compartilhar

I love to travel, because of the information that others have put in google maps I am encouraged to discover more.
There are moments when you are with the backpack in a city and you would really like to know a small town that is 3 hours away by bus, but you are in the sunset and you must choose to try or stay in the security of your hotel. Suddenly, you open google maps, you guide yourself and due to others colaborations: you feel encouraged to move on. This situation has happened to me many times so I think sharing is essential for others to lose the fear and take risks.
Sharing is also an excellent way to meet interesting people and leave a positive trace. I choose to share because others have shared with me and that kind of help was often great.
Collaborating is an experience that produces a different kind of happiness, it’s a journey into the future, it’s like planting a tree in a city where you don’t live.