There are places that leave a mark on you, that how I felt when I discovered this place with the help of Google Maps.
after I did research about my grandfather family I went to Lithuania and find Aukštadvaris Jewish Cemetery, tiny place out of the village. there I found the grave of my great grandfather with the beautiful Hebrew write.
Thanks for sharing this @Niv1234 It is certainly a very unique review since it’s got such a personal story behind it! Was it easy to trace back through the records and find out where you great grandfather was born etc?
I researched and collected documents over two years, the next step was to go there and look for the place. my family could not believe that I found the cemetery and the grave, since then some of them have also visited there (uncles, cousins and others) and was so exited.
“A nation that doesn’t respect it past will have a dull present and an uncertain future” (Yigal Allon)
@Niv1234 It’s great that the rest of the relatives have gone to visit too! And loving that B&W shot…makes it all seem very somber and serious but dramatic!
Wow, a real heart touching story behind this. Great that you was able to find it and get in mental touch with your grandfather in a different way. @Niv1234 I couldn’t imagine as well in Germany most grave places are closed after 20 years…
May I ask, if you are able to read what is written on the place of your grandfather. Are you from Lithunia?
my great grandfather was jewish that born in Lithuania. my grandfather also born there and immigrate to the Israel in 1936. on the grave written: “Our dear father Rabbi Itzhak Yehuda Ratzin cut down in the prime of life”
After pandemic Isreal is one of my top destinations I need to visit, but the three Baltic states as well. The 3 countries there belong to only a view countries I never did visit in Europe.
Niv1234, Thanks for sharing. I visited the Jewish cemetary of Aukstadvaris (Vosokidvor) in 1998 and found the grave of my great grandfather Noah Zagor נח זייגר (father of my grandmother Batia Saltuperis). My family - Jehuda Saltuperis, wife Batia, daughter Taube and son Yona were murdered in Trakai 30.9.1941 - 80 years ago. Good to know someone is still taking care of this cemetary.