#CommunityPhotoChallenge Quillazú Church, Oxapampa

Hello, my friends :grinning:

It´s me again. Recently back after some testing months but very happy to start sharing as I used to within this amazing community!

I just found out there was a photo challenge and well, let´s do this! :camera_flash:

I took this picture 2 days ago, the day was bright and pretty clear, that helped a lot but more importantly the place, this a all-wood made church located in Quillazú, a small district of the province named Oxapampa, which is located in the rain forest of Perú. The design and details are impressive as well as the decor inside :peru: . Truly remarkable!



I hope you like it!

All the best,

Marco … from Perú.


Hello @marcorp ,

Just to let you know, I’ve noticed that your post has a Street View label tag. Please note that its purpose is to ask questions or share tips related to the Street View program.

Therefore, I’ve removed it, as it doesn’t apply to your post. To learn more, please see How do I choose additional topics and tags for my posts on Connect?.

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Oh, this photo looks great!

What kind of Church is this if I may ask? @marcorp

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@TsekoV got it!

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