#CommunityFoodFightChallenge The best Sanuki udon and premium steak 最高の讃岐うどんと高級ステーキ

I love to eat, so I would like to introduce two dishes I encountered in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, during my trip.



“Sanuki Udon, a local favorite, is not for tourists.”
The restaurant was recommended by a local hotel staff when I went to Takamatsu in April.

The cheapest one is 150 yen, while other restaurants charge more than 200 yen.
When you see the owner of the restaurant carefully prepare the udon noodles by hand, you will be surprised to see how much it really costs.

It is very tasty for such a low price. It is rare to find a restaurant like this.

It was so good that I visited again in August.
The Gomoku Udon is full of nutrients.

It’s inexpensive, so it’s a place where you’ll want to keep coming back for more?.



A highly regarded steakhouse in Takamatsu.

I went there in the summer.
The chef carefully grills vegetables and steaks right in front of me.

First he offers you small cuts of meat before serving the steak as a tasting.
Then the steak.
Beef that melts in your mouth.

I still remember the aftermath over and over again?.

Before leaving the store, I asked, "Where are the Western Police locations? If you ask
He even taught me the angle of the camera in detail.

We even got a nice treat and it was a great memory for us.

?Western Police is a cop drama that was also popular in Japan.

I visited a few days after the death of the famous Japanese actor Tetsuya Watari, who was in the film.
I was able to ask him about those memories.
I pray for the rest of his life.





























Hello @yamamo_cchi

Yayyy :tada: It’s a yummy Japanese food post from you. Thanks for participating in #CommunityFoodFightChallenge :smiling_face:

I’m a fan of Udon. It’s been a long since the last time I had Udon. Your post makes me want to have Udon soon hehehe…

You said that “Sanuki Udon, a local favorite, is not for tourists.” What does it mean? Is there any different of Udon serving that is loved by either locals or tourists?


Thanks for the post @yamamo_cchi . Really appreciate that you’re including Maps links to all the locations. As a big noodle lover, I’m saving all of the places here on my Maps list, so I can try some of them next time I’m back in Japan (whenever that is) :slightly_smiling_face:

I also saw that the udon was priced at 150 yen? That’s really cheap! Does it usually cost that much? Does the restaurant make money at all?


@yamamo_cchi さん

そのうどん!いかにも美味しそうです :yum: マップでも見てみましたがさすがに評価も高いですね。早速行きたい場所に登録してみました。

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Thank you for your comment.
Sorry I couldn’t explain well.

I heard that there are stores that fancy up their stores for tourists and make an impact by serving unusual menus.
The locals don’t like that kind of thing.

Some of the food stalls in Fukuoka City, where I live, also have unfortunate prices for tourists :disappointed: .

As a Local guide, I would like to support stores that are truly popular with the locals.



Please go here.
As of August of this year it was still 150 yen.
Not many people eat just udon noodles, and many customers add toppings or eat chirashi sushi, so I’m sure they are making a lot of money :grin: .
The chirashi sushi is good too!


@HiroyukiTakisawa さん











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Now I know what you mean @yamamo_cchi

Thanks for the explanation.

Well, this kind of “tourist” special price appears almost in every countries I guess. That’s why having a local guide friend is a great thing to have!

And here we are in Connect where we could meet and be friend with fellow Local Guides around the world :blush:



Thank you!
I also hope to make many friends here.

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Love your post @yamamo_cchi and I love Japanese food too. But sometimes it can be very mysterious to me because I’m so unfamiliar with the way of eating them. For instance, your Makoto udon comes with side dish of spring onions, sesame seed and ???. What do you with them? Do you dip the udon in them before eating? Sometimes, what is normal to you may need some extra explanation for me. :sweat_smile: I need to find a nice local Japanese restaurant here in Kuching. It’s usually very expensive though… but I do miss Japanese food!



First of all, sorry for the lack of explanation.
And I’m glad you can make those points.

The vessel on the left, which is a cup and contains noodle soup.
The lid of the cup is garnished with scallions and sesame seeds.
Remove the lid and pour it into the noodle soup.
Then you put the noodles in the noodle soup and eat it.

Sanuki udon noodles are very long.
The noodles at this restaurant are said to be especially long.
You may think you can eat them all at once, but you have to take one or two of them with chopsticks and dip them in the noodle soup.

Cups like this are not only used for Sanuki udon, but also in many other places in Japan.

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@yamamo_cchi Oh, thanks for the extra information! I wouldn’t have guessed that there’s a bowl of soup hidden away! It reminds me a bit of zaru soba (I had to Google this… I know how the dish looks like but not sure what it is called so hopefully I’ve picked the correct name!) which I’ve seen on some menus in a number of Japanese restaurants that I’ve been to in the past but I’ve never tried. Next time, I must give it a try!

Is there a reason for the long noodles? And is there a correct way of eating them? In Chinese culture, if I remember correctly, long noodles represent long life and it’s recommended to never cut up the noodles but slurp the full length of the noodle into the mouth before chewing.

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That’s right, with zaru-soba.
It’s zaru udon because it’s on top of a zaru.

Is that why the noodles are so long?
I don’t know for sure.
Some people say it’s because it’s easy to make.

The store makes noodles while it is open.
You can also see the scene.

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