Just to share…we are practicing community pantry for everyone. People who has means can share what they have and people whose in need will only get what they actually need at that time for free. A long table was set up and on it are veggies, whatever iessentials are placed… people will line in queue waiting for their turn to get what they need.This is in support for those who became unemployed; people who has very low subsidy.
This pandemic helps us realize that we are resilient and ready to help in times of need. .Align with community pantry, I have this idea of… If only those vacant lot / idle land will be used for gardening, I guess the community/ village will be self sufficient in vegetables. These has positive effect fir the community/village such as the following:
Will foster camaraderie among neighbors
Maintenance of idle/vacant lot will be lessened
Provide good example to younger generation of taking care of mother earth
“Earthing” has positive effect on our health
Provide food for less fortunate/ poorest people in the community
Of course, neighbors who will participate will be the one to enjoy their fruits of labor.
Well, its just my idea. If you find it feasible and doable, then maybe the community can come up with plans and guidelines in implementing and execution… Only veggies that easily grows will be planted such as pechay, tomatoes, lettuce, eggplants and the like. I thank you.