Colleague's Met-Up Iftar


#Colleagues Iftar

#Local Guides


@BahauddinS a meetup hosted by you ?

or a general meetup my dear ?






keep smile


@deepakjhic , its hosted by me!



oh wao but how? No badge no sticker. ???

@BahauddinS wrote:

@deepakjhic , its hosted by me!


Explain in detail


@deepakjhic ,

It was general meet up bro!

that time I had no sticker and Badge.

next time, will be a organized Meet-up with Local Guides as well colleagues!!

Thank you!!


@BahauddinS I hope your next meetup will be successful.






Well I m Very happy for you.




Keep :smiling_face:

@BahauddinS wrote:

@deepakjhic ,

It was general meet up bro!

that time I had no sticker and Badge.

next time, will be a organized Meet-up with Local Guides as well colleagues!!

Thank you!!


thank you @deepakjhic :slight_smile:


@BahauddinS Congratulations and keep doing this types of activities.


@deepakjhic as you can see, I am new member of Connect. and I can see you are an expert of Connect level 5.

I have seen this post by @BahauddinS and its very nice one. But the question is why he mention “Solution” on your reply.


There is not a question solved post/part?


And after you received this solution from @BahauddinS for last 5 hours… you didn’t ask him to remove his solution from your reply. Can I ask you why?


As you know lots of rules of LG Connect, you should share with others.

Before I appear on LG Connect, I know I have to give my introduction and that is why I was reading some instructions.

But when I saw that @BahauddinS gave you solution but you didn’t ask him to revoke, I was surprised because I have noticed another post on connect “Tip: How to mark replies as solutions — “Accept as Solution” feature”


For @BahauddinS pleaseclick here to know when you can mark solutions .



Thank you so much for letting me know @RockyJackson .

One thing in my mind, when someone post a topic in connect he/she is the owner of the post ( you know it very well).

Who m I to judge him/her for anything ?

Well if it’s my mistake then I can’t remove this solution.

@BahauddinS you want to say anything my dear? You can revoke my reply as a solution.

Thank you for your kind words.

Sorry to say but for your kind information I’m not an expert.

@RockyJackson wrote:

@deepakjhic as you can see, I am new member of Connect. and I can see you are an expert of Connect level 5.

I have seen this post by @BahauddinS and its very nice one. But the question is why he mention “Solution” on your reply.


There is not a question solved post/part?


And after you received this solution from @BahauddinS for last 5 hours… you didn’t ask him to remove his solution from your reply. Can I ask you why?


As you know lots of rules of LG Connect, you should share with others.

Before I appear on LG Connect, I know I have to give my introduction and that is why I was reading some instructions.

But when I saw that @BahauddinS gave you solution but you didn’t ask him to revoke, I was surprised because I have noticed another post on connect “Tip: How to mark replies as solutions — “Accept as Solution” feature”


For @BahauddinS pleaseclick here to know when you can mark solutions .



@deepakjhic yes you are right.

Who we are to grudge anyone?

But the question remains, once you received the solution, you should say to @BahauddinS politely that your post should not get a solution but you didn’t do that???

When I knock you after 5 hours you received this solution … then you say,., ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … !!!

I know we are not here to fight , funny fact is that we are talking about on a single “Solution” (Funny HMMMMMM)

But you know @deepakjhic this is not only about a single “Solution”, Its all about “HOW HONEST YOU ARE WITH YOUR LOCAL GUIDE CONNECT FAMILY”

you have more than 25 solutions, congratulations for that! I am happy for you.

But just ask yourself how many solutions you have received with giving proper “ANSWER”

Someone should monitor each and every solution, maybe an moderator team should monitor this types of spam???

@deepakjhic I am Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SORRY for my words.

but this is what I am feeling now, i just share with you.Hope you will understand me @deepakjhic ????

@NarenChandra Actually I have seen your HONEST reply at “My Received 250 Kudos Badge” post, and your honesty INSPIRES me a lot to bold my voice. You are my LG Connect Teacher. Love you @NarenChandra



@RockyJackson opppppppsssssss. Wait my dear there will be no solution for this post.

Thanks a lot for teaching me lesson " how much honest I m with my community".

I understand everything now.




Keep :smiling_face:.


@RockyJackson thanks mate ,I have 9 solutions now and I don’t deserve 4 of them . I just ask or say something and people mark it as solution . I wonder why ?

And as @deepakjhic has a question marked as solution ,he has nothing to do with it ,it’s just @BahauddinS who has marked it as solution. @deepakjhic is a connect addict and he is the one who receives every newbie with a great intro post .

Any way thanks @RockyJackson thanks for letting me know I have done it the right way .


@deepakjhic @NarenChandra @RockyJackson , thanks all of you, It was my mistake.
I revoke the solution


@BahauddinS @NarenChandra @RockyJackson

I m not :rage: with anyone while I’m so much happy.

Thanks a lot everyone.




Keep :smiling_face:


@BahauddinS it is no one’s mistake,dont let your self down, post some beautiful posts, whats next, I am waiting.

@deepakjhic no hard feeling brother,lots of love.


@NarenChandra , thanks bro