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Hi @AlexandraMadalina ,

Welcome to Connect!

Would you like to share more about this cake? How itโ€™s called and which ingredients did you use to prepare it? It would be also great to share the recipe with us.

Iโ€™ve made my last cake last week for my motherโ€™s birthday. It is a biscuit cake with mascarpone and strawberries:

You might be interested in this post: 8 outrageous desserts Local Guides love.

Please take a look at the following articles which will help you for posting on Connect: Your guide to Connect and How to choose a topic for your Connect post. I would like to invite you to introduce yourself here Introduce Yourself - April 2020.


E un dolce fatto tipo pandispania con cacao amaro, dentro con nutella e panna montata. Il amaro di cacao insieme alla dolcezza della nutella crea insieme una esplosione di sapore davvero intenso e gustoso. Questo dolce in Italia si chiama โ€œPINGUINOโ€

:yum: :yum: :wink:

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Hi @AlexandraMadalina ,

Thanks for your reply!

It sounds and looks fantastic! I would like to try it! It reminds me of kinder pingui but probably is different.

I recommend you to add this recipe in your post and this way other Local Guides can try to cook it as well.

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