Wonderful painting @MNK1350
Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks for Ur appreciation
Can I know from which country u represent
Keshavan Madabushi
Hello @MNK1350 ,
I have just released your post from the Spam filters and it is now visible publicly. Some posts are being automatically marked as spam, apologies for that. You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
Thank you for sharing this beautiful painting with us! I love pictures of horses and I have a few of them at home, drawn by my father. I was curious what do you mean by coffee painting? Is it painted with coffee?
hi@RadieN (Google Moderator)
Thanks for your suggestions
I am not here to sell my products painting by my wife vaijayanthi just shown as art work out of passion. We both are Senior citizens 68+and by god’s grace we are well off and hv travelled world wide including USA in fact my son is Reno NV last 15 yrs.There is no reason for us earn money through Google ads just love to show the world our work.in fact we are coming to USA in may end 2019 and well stay for 3 months in Reno NV we do not mind gifting one such painting for both of u
Secondly req Ur questions about how to do coffee painting just take a white paper draw out line of yourself draw border.Then take a cup take. Small amount of instant coffee mix a strong consistency so as to brush easy Start colour as u like
But be shure that you do not over flow with more bcz it may get smude on paper slowly take coffee decotion in brush and colour as u want.The painting of horse has be done after many trials upto a week.
hope to meet u in may end 2019 we have 10 yrs visitor visa
there are other painting also for u to look pl see
So wish all the best
keshavan Madabushi
Hi @MNK1350 ,
Please note that I’ve moved your comment to your post since it’s related to it. We are not accusing you of selling products here. Sometimes our Spam filters are triggered by mistake like it probably happened in this case. I would like to apologize for that again.
Thank you for adding information and photos! I have never heard of this way of drawing before. It is very interesting and I’m willing to try it.
Best regards to you and your talented wife. Keep creating amazing pieces of art!
Thank you for your good understanding our position of sharing our art work as passion
wish you all the best
keshavan Madabushi
i have a suggestion that the above communication of Spam mail and further correcting between u and me should be concern to me only instead of public which Give wrong message to my dear fellow google local guides about my status
kindly put a thought in such proposal to address
keshavan Madabushi
It’s amazing artwork thanks for sharing with us @MNK1350
Thanks for you appriciation
Keshavan Madabushi