Cluttered with Food and Restaurant? Here's Some Green!

Yes! Most of us are living in cities and sharing the content about the city life. Going to a restaurant, trying different foods and sharing the experience is the common thing we do. Like most of the other people, I also have to do this because of our daily life. But I love to escape the city and go to the woods whenever I can. Even When I can’t go outside the city I try to find nature in my city to have an escape.

I am Fahad from Bangladesh, one of the most highly populated countries in the world. But I feel like I am a free bird and I don’t belong to the city and have an urban life. Sadly fate chooses me to. The artificial lights, crowds, hectic city life makes me suffocated. So the obvious thing I do, whenever I get a chance, is escaping the city and go close to nature. Feel the tranquility, harmony and the soul of the mother earth. Even if I can’t I try to find some place to breathe and have my own time to reboot myself. I love to share these because I also want that people feel the same way. I want to influence others to feel the mother nature. We, humans, are the reason the destruction of nature, and we are the only one can solve this. Loving nature and help to revive it is the only way to secure a better future for the next generation.

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