Hi everyone. I’m Irene. I love travelling. Infact the most exciting moments of my life are when I’m travelling, especially when I’m travelling with my family.
My children love visiting new places and don’t sleep a wink usually. The countless bathroom trips do not faze me or spoil my fun.
One thing we never fail to do is take pictures. I believe pictures tell stories even better than words. You can say with just one picture what you could have said with a thousand words!
Pictures leave a greater impact on people. You remember what you see much more than what you hear.
What about the accuracy of the message? With pictures you nail your point and leave little or nothing to the imagination.
Real pictures do not lie. Picture essays are the best. Children and truth seekers love pictures, and so do I.
I’m no master photographer, but once I start clicking away, nothing stops me.
You can imagine how excited I was to discover the Google local guide program on Google maps. At last a fantastic avenue to use all those pictures of hotels, eateries, villages, businesses
etc meaningfully!
My husband always teases my by asking when all the pictures I post on Google maps will translate to Naira and Kobo (Nigerian currency).
I like the fact that my photographs help people know before they go. With each viewer who views a picture I posted, I feel a sense of joy that I might have helped them decide one way or another, whether to go there or never…