CleanTheWorld- Jesolo beach

CleanTheWorld- Jesolo beach

Spiaggia libera Cortellazzo

30016 Lido di Jesolo, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy

November 18, 2018 @ 09:15 (CET)

Dopo la devastante piena del fiume Piave di inizio Novembre, ritroviamoci assieme per raccogliere la plastica, che in questi giorni sta invadendo la spiaggia. L’iniziativa si svolge nell’ambito del programma: Local Guides Clean The World ( Cosa indossare: - Guanti leggeri da lavoro - Scarponcini comodi Appuntamento alle ore 9:15 (anche qualche minuto prima) presso la Spiaggia libera di Cortellazzo, vicino alla foce del Fiume Piave. Da lì ci sposteremo presso la zona individuata per l’intervento, che sarà definito in base delle esigenze del comune di Jesolo Pizza di gruppo per chi desidera fermarsi per pranzare assieme

Conferma la tua partecipazione qui

[edit 19/11/2018: Il comune ha definito l’area dell’intervento. Ci incontriamo in Via Serenissima, prima del villaggio Marzotto ( La parte dalla foce al villaggio è stata infatti pulita domenica scorsa da 350 fantastici Volontari]


This is great @ErmesT . I love it.

Wish you all the best!


Thank you Vale, @ValeriaA

The situation is very bad in there

With the recent flood, the beach is completely covered by trees … and plastic


Ermest good idea. If I was there, I would definitely help clean the Jesolo beach. GBU and wish you all the best :blush:


K @ErmesT I just noticed this under @KashifMisidia post I just found something Here I hope it goes well watch out for loose debris

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This is really great @ErmesT and thank you so much for hosting it.

For me this kind of meet-ups are one of the best way to motivate people to make changes. Good luck!


Thank you @Desi,

you can of course join us virtually, organising a LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld Meet-up in your area.

We will be happy to support you.


@ErmesT I have got it saved in the map and ready

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Oh wow, that looks terrible @ErmesT . I’m sure you will generate a big change in that area.


Es un desastre como quedó todo, el agua se llevó muchas cosas @ErmesT , ojalá se pueda reparar todo lo más rápido posible, mis mejores deseos en su reunión, gracias por compartir Ermes.



Going well is something hard to say, @DavidTito . For now, let say that the emergency is ended, we are no longer in red, or orange, alert. There are a lot of damage, we lost more than 10 million of trees, some road, some house, a couple of bridges, and 30 human life.

Now we start to clean the mood, collect the plastic, rebuild the bridges.

That’s all we can do. For the life we can only cry. For the trees we will have to wait other 100 years, for the woods to be back in the same conditions.

Well, we do the best that we can


@ErmesT , ten fe todo se solucionara rápidamente. Es muy doloroso por la pérdida de vidas humanas, creo que lo peor que tuvo esta catástrofe, son las 30 almas que no tenían que irse, los árboles todo eso se soluciona allí necesitamos varias brigadas que reforesten las montañas o mejor aún usar esas nuevas técnicas de sembrado aéreo de lugares de difícil acceso. Y con respecto a lo edilicio depende de cuan dispuesto esté el gobierno de turno para reparar lo más rápido que pueda las pérdidas ocasionadas

Saludos Farid


Thank you @DavidTito

I have just filled all the papers, to have the support of the municipality


@ErmesT I can’t quite ready that but I know where this is going and it is going to great I’m on edge my seat and all systems go, I can’t wait to see the other end


@ErmesT That’s good news now we can calmly take our time, I love the way you explain it it is so very humble of you


Thank you @Ivi_Ge

For this kind of actions we have a lot of people that want to be present. We have a good sense of being part of a community, when we need to act.


Attention everyone:

The new position for the meet-up is now defined:

The great news is that, the first part of the beach is now clean, thank to a huge group of volunteers (350)



@ErmesT Ohhh my gosh I have seen it all now, I will create a location for this in the Map soon and I will tag you in this same thread. what a fantastic photo this is Tops

The recap will be ready soon, @DavidTito , with all the needed information.

I still working on it.

Here a preliminary view of the video (I still working on it, it is not finished yet, but is good enough for a preview)


Great job @ErmesT ! You are doing an outstanding work here.