Cleaning up my maps accounts

Hi Everyone,

I started out using one email for Google Maps, as time went on I begun to use another as my primary account. As it relates more to my City. Question? How do I merge my one maps account with the other without losing either status, levels 5 and 7? Can anyone help?


Hi @AJnSF104

I am sorry, but there is a serious issue here. You cannot merge two accounts, and, according to the Local Guides Program Terms and ConditionsContributions to Google Maps must originate from a single Google account to count towards benefits and cannot be transferred between owned accounts.

Having multiple account can cause the suspension from the Local Guides Program. Please check Why was I removed from Local Guides?

The best thing you can do in this moment is to exit NOW from the Local Guide program with one of your account. You can exit from the program on this page:

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Hi @AJnSF104 ,

Welcome to Connect! Please take a moment to review our guidelines: What are Connect topics? Reading also these 14 helpful tips for using Connect will help you interact better here.

I’m going to move your post to the How-tos section, which is the right board for questions like yours. I’m marking the message provided by @ErmesT as a solution, since that’s the correct answer to your doubt.

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Am reusit sa imi curat contul de fotografii puse in locuri gresite si selfie-uri , am sters 4000 fotografii , acum totul este curat , cred ca pot dormi linistit , am vrut sa renunt , dar imi place jocul , e frumos :grinning:

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