Clean The World How To My maps 2.0

Hello everyone as part of this year’s introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2.0 program @ErmesT and myself decided to create education awareness on how to create a My map associated with the program,to help everyone around the World to share there great stories through video, photos, links, all under the one roof of My maps and understanding the same safe platform together. But please bear in mind that the video that I have made is only to implement local Guides to help them create their own My map.

Education awareness levels are as follows:

Basic level: the minimum set of information required for this project

  • How to create and save a Mymap

  • Adding a pin

  • Adding photos to a pin

  • sharing a Mymap

Intermediate levels: How to make Mymaps more powerful

  • Working with the database, for managing the information that we want to add

  • Customization of map elements

  • Managing multiple layers

  • inserting videos

  • Adding polygons to the map

High Level: the power of My maps

A Challenge will be set

Completion of the Basic level, Intermediate levels, High Level

  • Presenting completed My map links

  • Creating a video experience

In this thread, I would like to hear your feedback and look forward to assisting you with your map in any way

I hope you all enjoy my video


Thank you for sharing, @DavidTito

This is clear enough for a start, and this post can be open for Q&A, if the LGs need more detail.

I have only one note:

I see that in your video you used the Database structure of LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld Mymaps

It is early now to talk about database, but in any case I would like to let you know that the reporting structure is a bit different.

I am posting the photo for the people to think about the structure of the data in MyMaps


@DavidTito , this is great! You put a lot work into making this instructional video for @ErmesT ‘s Clean The World 2.0 idea.




Thank you for showing me this @DavidTito !

This is great, informative and I think your narration is spot on.

Sharing your knowledge with the community is a great idea, and I’m sure many people will benefit from this.


@ErmesT Yes I can see your view here and those topics came into my mind during my cast of this video, And yes I think Q&A should perhaps be part of each learning awareness level something along the lines of this.

LocalGuide present there:

Basic level: the minimum set of information required for this project

  • How to create and save a Mymap

  • Adding a pin

  • Adding photos to a pin

  • sharing a Mymap

-follow up Q&A

-Share their Basic level My map link

And Table database index will be in the intermediate level:

and this is great feedback, by the way, thank you


@KarenVChin Thank you yes, first-time video narration as well still a learning task for me and exciting, nervous, all at the same time. thanks kindly


@MortenSI yes your right and the common ground among us as well I think, I look forward to being supportive in this way.

My maps should be something we all should be good at, I hope I can Help with that thank you @MortenSI look forward to seeing you again soon


Yup, I know @DavidTito that Database is in Lesson two, I was just concentrate on the information contained in the database :slight_smile:

You did it well David.

The knoledge of MyMaps is very important @MortenSI , is a great tool that every Local guides can built for making a personal Map, and for sharing it.

Have you tried to transfer the information contained in a Mymaps to Google Earth? The result is simply amazing, you can literally fly, in High Resolution, from a place to another. Here an example:

All the background of the video is a programmed tour, built in Mymaps / transfered on Google Earth, exported as a MP4 video in 4K, and finally edited for creating the final movie. You should check Traci’s photos at the end of the view. Priceless


@ErmesT the feedback from you helps me to have that third perspective, and I noticed you mentioned Google Earth hehe we could make a level 4 My maps awareness but the only problem is Connect platform won’t run it because I can do My maps to Google Earth, ok maybe they’re not ready yet I’m jumping the gun oops lol


Fantastic work @DavidTito

Really impressive. I really love to see your dedication for the project

#Cleantheworld . I always admired and trying to learn by @ErmesT sir and you. And I m feeling proud to be a small contributor and member of clean the world team.

Shukriya :pray:


@KashifMisidia thank you so much your presence is warming, it was a big step for me and the feedback is most inspiring as well thank you kindly


I agree @ErmesT , and great video by the way!

The animation of going from one place to another is so satisfying to watch. I used to spend hours doing this when Google Earth was first released.


From what I can see you’re already being very helpful @DavidTito . Not only teaching what you know, but also spreading the word.

You spent a lot of time an effort to make this video, and that is a huge step in the right direction.


I love how helpful and educative this program is. The greatest generosity if you ask me is teaching people how to optimize and make their lives better. Thank you for sharing, @DavidTito . I’m sure a lot of interesting results will come out of it.


@IrrPavlova Thank you very much…these type of comments are the ones I live for in this program, I look forward to sharing them together as we press on through the year oh I’m working on the next video the intermediate level, I will tag you when I release it


Thank for the nice words and dedication, @DavidTito . I’ll be waiting for your video. :slight_smile:


Thank you @MortenSI that’s very helpful thanks kindly my friend


@ErmesT @IrrPavlova @KarenVChin @MortenSI @KashifMisidia I decided to add this basic feedback flowchart to my thread here I’m hoping this may generate more feed to the program or advice to anyone who wants help with there My map


That is very create @DavidTito , and I can make sense of it!


Thanks for explaining your processes so well in that infographic, @DavidTito . Your dedication is much appreciated.