I think these practical actions should be more widespread. And I have seen a lot of young people in Vietnam having these beach cleaning activities like: “green journey” - I appreciate it.
As a blogger, I am willing to share these activities on my personal website: kiemtienspeed to spread it to the community. Thank @KashifMisidia
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So kind of you @Sarbland for always encouraging local guides who are doing something constructive.
I hope someday when you will be in Karachi, we can visit the same place together InshaAllah
Thank you so much @Gezendunyali for your kind words
So nice of you dear @KamalHossenR , I want to say thanks to you too, for collection so much waste and saved hundreds of underwater creatures.
Thank you my friend @SholaIB yes, @DrFoodieOfficial , @Bilal_shaikh and @Swalay are the Gems of Local Guides Community from Pakistan.
Thank you so much for your appreciation
I’m totally agree with you @Cecilita , plastic waste is like a poison for not only for the humanity, but for every living creature of the world.
As you also did a remarkable job in Buenos Aires, it’s really appreciable. Because you also sent message to thousands of other people who will surely inspire by your actions.
Thank you so much Amiga
Thank you so much my dear friend @ChiaraMariaC for always supporting Local Guides initiatives not only here but on social media too. You are so kind
Thank you so much bro @Zain_Ul_Abideen , next time join us
Hi @Jesi behen,
I’m so happy to see so many posts on Connect regarding Earth Day 2023, and your post was something which can provide a complete guide to anyone who loves mother nature.
Because the waste especially plastic waste is a big danger for our next generations.
I hope someday we all can together do something on any beach and share a big & wide message to the world to save our world.
You’re most welcome, dear friend @KashifMisidia !
I very appreciate your kind reply!
Thank you so very much!
I wish you a great day!
Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany!
I’m so glad to hear that Indonesian Goverment is working on environmental issues on priority basis, because I believe that they know they are doing all this for thier future generations.
Thank you so much @indahnuria for always supporting all Local Guides on Connect, especially us
So kind of you @Zuhralc for your beautiful Comment. And I’m so happy to hear that the links were so much helpful for you.
I hope if we all will work together for the betterment of our environment, the future of our next generations will be bright InshaAllah.
Thank you so much.
Congratulations for successful meetup
you guys seems had fun in the beach, far for EID hectic. hahaha…
I enjoy your photos, and specially your photos with umbrella. CUTE!
also @Bilal_shaikh using hats, I just laugh to see that.
video from @DrFoodieOfficial complete this post. Thank you for sharing your valuable moments. Happy EID and Happy Earth Day!
@KashifMisidia muita linda sua reflexão a respeito do Dia da Terra ser como o Dia das Mães. Realmente temos que nos conscientizar da importância de termos cuidado e carinho como se fosse nossa querida mãe. Gostei muito da iniciativa de tirar os lixos da praia, as vezes quando faço alguma trilha em algum lugar, levo sempre comigo um saco de lixo para recolher os lixos que encontro no caminho, pode não ser muito, mas se todos começarem de alguma forma, ou ao menos se conscientizar que todo lixo tem seu lugar aproado já é alguma coisa.
Agradeço pelas informações.
Thank you so much @SanjayBDLG
So nice of you amigo @LaloPadilla , you , me and other people like us are trying our best to highlight this sensitive issue of plastic pollution to the world. And I hope we will get success one day.
Muchas Gracias for your beautiful words
You are so right @RosyKohli jee,
We have to educate our people who loves to visit these places, because if once they will understand the backdrops and the huge loses when anyone polluted beaches and oceans, they will never do this again.
Thank you so much for taking time to read the post
Hi @kiemtienspeed first of all sorry for replying you late. We have some disturbance all over the country and that’s the reason internet was also not working often.
Yes you can share our activity in your social media or web, because I believe it will give a solid msg to every viewer. When you done sharing , share me link also.
Thanks again for your appreciation
Thank you so much @Ddimitra for your beautiful words
I always love to see your encouragement for us in my post
Sorry for replying you late here, as you know the situation in my country.