Vorrei sapere come funziona il sistema di fotografi trusted di google e come posso iscrivere la mia agenzia.
Vorrei sapere come funziona il sistema di fotografi trusted di google e come posso iscrivere la mia agenzia.
Ciao @FabioIm360
In questo post, e nei link contenuti, troverai tutte le risposte: How to be a Street View trusted photographer while also being a Local Guide
Ti consiglio una particolare attenzione a questa parte: Choose a profile photo and username that represents who you are. People want to connect with other people, not a logo or business name. Accounts with photos that are obviously branded as businesses may be flagged by the community. To see how you can update your Google account, check the “Change your username” and “Change your profile photo” section in the Gmail Help Center.
Ti ricordo inoltre che Local Guides è un programma per individui, non per business
Ciao ermest ti ringrazio, ma non ho capito cosa sia local guides, a me interessa diventare un fotografo trusted e mi hanno mandato qui. Che vuol dire scegliere un logo che mi rappresenti? Non si possono pubblicare foto su google maps come agenzia? Grazie comunque per la risposta, vado a leggermi quel link.
Come agenzia dovresti trasferire i diritti delle foto al tuo cliente. Comunque nei link del post trovi tutto
Ok, ho provato a chiedere anche nell’altro post, grazie.
Buongiorno, ieri non riuscivo a rispondere, mi diceva che l’account era bannato o una cosa del genere, ho seguito un form ed ho spiegato la cosa e ora scrivo di nuovo, ma ho scritto qualcosa di sbagliato?
Hi @FabioIm360 ,
In addition to what @ErmesT suggested, please take a look at this: Become a Street View contributor, where you can find information on becoming a trusted photographer.
Since you mentioned your other account been banned, please note that you can participate in the program with only one account as mentioned in our Program rules.
Please also make sure that you Change your username and your profile photo., as said in the comments.
P.S.: Your post was moved to the How-tos board, as this would be helpful to fellow Local Guides searching for similar questions.
Thanks MoniV, i’m not sure about what happened, the account is back, i did not registered another account.
I will follow the rules for trusted photographer, but I cannot understand, there are many agencies listed in my area, so i’m not allowed to use the name of my agency as account? I mean agencies like these in the hire list you linked:
And so on and some of them are in this board too, so i would like to do the same:
I don’t need to be a local guide, i only need to register my agency as trusted photographer. Thank you very much!
Hey @FabioIm360 ,
Let me give you some tips:
You can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.
You can follow the guidelines in the link that I have shared with you (Become a Street View contributor) and please avoid sharing private information about other users, this is against our Local Guides Program Rules.
Hi @MoniV (hope the tag worked), sorry, it’s the public list you shared https://www.google.com/streetview/contacts-tools/#sv-pro , i never meant to publish private informations, i don’t understand what private informations are you talking about.
Thanks again for your kind reply
@MoniV in the link you provided https://www.google.com/streetview/contributors/ there is no subscribe form or a way to enroll in the trusted photographer program, maybe is not updated?
Hi @FabioIm360 ,
I have shared a link which can help you become a trusted photographer. In the posts here on Local Guides Connect, you should not share any private information.
If you take a moment and read the Local Guides Program Rules it will be more clear to you how to proceed. Also don’t hesitate to search in the How-tos board for any other queries.
Ok thanks @MoniV .
Is the page you linked public? Maybe I have access to because you linked it to me but is not public? There are a lot of emails and phone numbers inside that page, maybe should be private and is public by mistake?
I still don’t know how to become trusted photographer, but I will try to follow the guidelines.
Thanks again
@FabioIm360 , the link I have shared with you is a public link and is not related to our program rules.
You can search in Google Maps Help for some additional information on how to become a trusted photographer as well.
Thanks @MoniV i’m posting in the support forum, i hope they will give me additional details, even if product experts (i think are like moderators) send users to this forum.
Ciao @FabioIm360
provo a darti una spiegazione sintetica, anche se i link che hai ricevuto da @MoniV dovrebbero essere sufficienti:
Per diventare un Fotografo di Street View (per ricevere il badge) devi avere almeno 50 fotosfere approvate da Google Street View: Publish and connect 360 photos with the Street View app
Accertati che le foto siano:
Quando hai raggiunto questo risultato (verificabile dalle statistiche dell’app Street View), dal menu “Impostazioni” dovresti poter avere la possibilità di spostare su ON il switch di “disponibile per foto su commissione”.
A questo punto riceverai una email dal team di street view che ti spiegherĂ come procedere per essere inserito nella lista dei fotografi certificati