Церковь святых Апостолов Петра и Павла- Church of Saints Apostles Pyotr and Pavel

Церковь Апостолов Петра и Павла (Храм святых первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла)

Церковь святых Петра и Павла в селе Афонино считается старейшим зданием в городе Киселёвске. Она упоминается в документах, датированных 1882 годом впрочем старожилы уверяют что исследователей, что здание еще древние ему более 150 лет.
Памятник истории и архитектуры конца XVIII века храм святых первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла - один из старейших в Кузбассе. Его строили на мирские – собранные в складчину - деньги. Стены, перекрытия, пол – все делали из лиственницы, заготовленной в расположенном неподалеку бору. Церковь внесена в перечень объектов историко-культурного достояния Кузнецкого края. Святынями храма являются икона Божией Матери «Иверская», икона Пророка Божия Илии (начало XIX в.). Рядом с храмом находятся чудотворные святые источники, исцеляющие болезни сотен людей!

К сожалению в селе Афонино идет варварская разрабодка угля открытым способом,и данный памятник культурного наследия старины может исчезнуть навсегда.

Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul (Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul)

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul in the village of Afonino is considered the oldest building in the city of Kiselevsk. It is mentioned in documents dated 1882, however old-timers assure researchers that the building is still ancient to him for more than 150 years.
The monument of history and architecture of the late XVIII century, the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - one of the oldest in Kuzbass. It was built on worldly - collected in a squeeze - money. Walls, floors, floors - everything was made of larch, harvested in a nearby forest. The church is included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of the Kuznetsk Territory. The shrines of the temple are the icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya”, the icon of the Prophet of God Elijah (beginning of the XIX century). Near the temple are miraculous holy sources healing the diseases of hundreds of people!

Unfortunately, in the village of Afonino there is a barbarous coal mined in an open way, and this monument of the cultural heritage of antiquity may disappear forever.


Awesome, thanks for sharing @ColorLab !

I am really in love with those typical Russian churches.

My favorite church in the world is the Church of the Savior on Blood in Saint Petersburg “Спаса на Крови”. :blush:

Here is an older picture of that church, taken by me.


Thanks for the feedback! Yes, a very beautiful church. There is a very beautiful salvation on the heroes. I did not visit other countries, this year maybe I was chosen as a local expert, but because of the charm of covid-19 they canceled it. I am talking about Russia about Western Siberia.

there is still a church of the icon of the mother of God a novice in the city of Kiselevsk. I wrote about this, but they blocked or deleted my post, there were a lot of good photos, but there are reviews on Google maps

Looks like it is a sunny day out there, what breathtakingly beautiful pictures of the church both inside and the exterior.

Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures @ColorLab

~Greetings from New Delhi


Thank you for your kind feedback, greetings from Russia, from Siberia