#ChristmasPhotoChallenge: share your Christmas photos

Dear Local Guides,

Due to the pandemic, last year we could not celebrate Christmas as we usually did earlier. This situation is a little better than last year though some countries having problems with the Omicron variant of the Covid-19. Even though there is a threat from the Omicron, the Christmas celebration has been started in many countries. To see the Christmas celebration worldwide, I am going to arrange a photo challenge about Christmas. This challenge will give us the chance to see the colorful celebration of Christmas by Local Guides worldwide.

What will we do in this challenge?

In this challenge, we will see various kinds of photos related to Christmas from the Local Guides around the world. A can share any photo related to Christmas. Your photo can be about Christmas lighting, shopping, dress, home decoration, food, drink, party, prayer, or anything related to Christmas.

How to participate:

You can participate directly with your Christmas photo by sharing it in the comment section of this post. Write something about the photo. That’s all. Or

  1. Go to this album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZumF3YjAmrd2z1D18
  2. Upload your photo
  3. Write your Connect User name or ID in the comment section of the album as below photo.
  4. I will share the photo in the comment section of this post with tagging you
  5. Then you write about the photo in the comment section of this post

How to get the winner:

  1. If your photo gets 1 Kudo/like it will carry 1 point
  2. If your photo gets 1 comment, it will carry 3 points
  3. The highest points earner will be the winner.
  4. This is very straightforward

some general rules:

  1. Your Christmas photo can be of any year and anything related to Christmas.
  2. You must follow Connect’s photo rule.
  3. You can upload or share any number of photos, with no limit. We prefer more than one.
  4. This challenge will end on 31st December 2021.

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

The photo of this post was taken from the free source: Pixabay


This nice photo is submitted by @AbdullahAM . I hope he will tell the story behind this photo in his comments.



Here is a collage of photos from Melbourne - these photos were taken at the front of homes, retail stores, country clubs and church.


WOW! you took all the photos nicely @MariaNgo Night photos in your collage looks better to me. Thanks a lot for sharing these nice photos with us. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Hello hopefully my I’d will come up


We have received below amazing photos from @monkeyass0374 and waiting for the story behind these beautiful photos. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Taken with the DJI mini 2. The picture is a neighbour’s house opposite where I live. I asked if I could take the pictures and share on social media. The photo is of a house in Bournemouth Dorset.


hello my friend @MukulR . you are doing many different things and you deserve a congratulation. unfortunately I can’t go out now because I’m covid, but I wanted to share a picture from my house with you. happy new year to all of you in advance​:smiling_face: :pray:t2:


I am really very sorry to hear that you are suffering from Covid @Gezendunyali I pray that you recover soon from it. Didn’t you take the vaccine? If yes then nothing to be worried about. Stay home.

Thanks a lot for sharing the nice photo of a Christmas tree. Who decorated this os nicely. I hope other LGs will also like this. By the way, this year you made many nice posts here. If you want you can share one of your best posts here. Thanks for your appreciation and participation in this #ChristmasPhotoChallenge. Stay safe.


Thank you for your nice words @MukulR . Yes, I have been vaccinated. I hope I’ll be back with my posts as soon as possible.


@Gezendunyali želim vam što brži oporavak od covida.

Kako se osjećate?

:blush: :croatia:


Excellent challenge @MukulR !! I’ll try and find a Christmas photo but to be honest, I’ve been so busy that I’ve haven’t had much time to get into the Christmas spirit! I can’t believe that it’s only 3 days away and I’ll be working all the way until Friday too!! :sob:

This year has been rather different too as I’m spending Christmas on my own … and just busy working away! Plus, it’s kinda weird for me too to not have the typical UK winter weather to enjoy! Definite no snow here in Malaysia… just lots of sweat! :joy:


Thank you so much @renata1 i am okay :smiling_face: :pray:t2:


Hi :wave:t2: one :point_up:t2: question :person_raising_hand:‍ :male_sign: how I know my Connect ID ?


Your Connect ID is your name, that is : Culturadelarte .

I hope you understand now. Thanks for this question @Culturadelarte

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Dear @MukulR Bhai

I hope to see some great photos from this Christmas Challenge. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to participate in such a Challenge.


We got these nice submissions from our new Guiding Star @KamalHossenR . We hope to hear the story of this photo. We also hope to see more photos from him.


Thanks a lot for liking this Challenge @AdrianLunsong . I also feel sorry that you are getting too busy this Christmas. I hope you can manage your time to enjoy Christmas. Don’t worry about the photo for this Challenge. You can use your old Christmas photo also, no problem. And, participants are allowed to use any photo related to Christmas either indoor photo or outdoor photo, no problem at all.

I know about the flood situation in Malaysia. Take care of yourself. Thanks once again for your nice comments and interest to participate in this challenge.

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

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We have received these amazing photos from @Culturadelarte . Very soon we can hear the story behind these photos from him.


Yes :raised_hands:t3: @MukulR thanks