Christmas Trees in My Neighborhood. #LGChristmasChallenge2020.

This year is indeed an eventful year, given disruptive virus that visited the world. As the year draws closer to an end, we will all remember Covid -19, Lockdown, cancelled flights, Closed businesses and other unpalatable situation. Worst of them all was the boredom from the Lockdown. Remaining in lockdown in one’s room is a depressing experience no one want to see happening again.

When the news of Covid -19 vaccine came out, we all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the Virus is about to be contained and lock down soon be lifted. Nothing compares to joyful of regaining freedom to walk freely and mingle with people on bright sunny day.

It is that air of freedom that we take to this Christmas season, to rejoice and forget about the gloominess of the past months.So much in my street there that air in enshrouded enthusiasm. This holiday season is taken to another level higher than that last year. I could see Christmas trees sprang up unusually in residential area. Christmas trees with beautiful decorations, Neon lights, Ice Father Christmas sculptor, slide and many more. They all so attractive that people braced the cold weather to come out in the evening just see the glowing Christmas trees. The Ice sculptures are more spectacular scenery with their multi-color light shining so bright. It was as if the scene was extracted from Alice in the wonderland novel. This makes me wondering if our neighborhood could be this agog with celebrations then City Center would be drowning party frenzy. Surely, I will not want to miss going on the New Year eve central districts where there will be fireworks display till the early morning New Year.

But for now, I am happy with all the excitements happening on my street. Enjoy it while it lasts is quote, we all knew.

That is why I stroll out often to watch the excitement on people faces nearby the Christmas trees. There, there are many activities going on:

Teenagers who reveled at playing on the Ice slide,

Children who rolled themselves on the snow and

Families who have come to pictures with the Christmas trees.

The post is in contribution to #LGChristmasChallenge2020 initiated by @Velvel


Exciting post about Christmas decorations in your city @Emmik20

The city is really amazing and ice sculptures and New Year :evergreen_tree: tree.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Have a nice weekends and holidays.

Amazing post.

Hi @helga19 Thanks for the comment. This year, people really take it to another level. There are Christmas trees in most playground in our area. The government has also constructed huge Christmas trees in all city parks.

Hi @BikramDt Thanks for comment. Yes, amazing things are happening as the year draws to an end. Hopefully, 2021 will be year of celebration.

Hi @Emmik20

Thank you for participating in #LGChristmasChallenge2020 .

Oh, Christmas and snow in Russia are awesome!

Wishing you have a warm and joyful days :smiley:

Enjoy the snow, ice sculpture, beautiful lights and decorations, but please maintain the physical distancing also for the best!

Hi @Velvel . Thanks for the comment. It is indeed a perfect combination. Christmas tree and falling snow is a amazing scene to watch, especially in the evening when the Christmas trees are lit.

Social distancing is strictly observed in the city. Besides , nearly every one is covered from head to toes, not only because of covid -19 but because of the freezing weather

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@Emmik20 Thanks for sharing wonderful pictures of Christmas trees in your neighborhood!

Hi @jayasimha78 Thanks for the comments. There are many of these beautiful Christmas :evergreen_tree: in our streets. People really took 2020 end of the year celebration to another level.

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Such a lovely neighbourhood @Emmik20 Thanks for bringing that to our attention.

I was wondering if you’ve heard of my #ChristmasInMyCity 2021 world wide challenge? Thought I’d mention it in case you’d like to participate this year? :grinning:

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