Christmas in Sweden

Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries with high quality of life. Though people seem a bit cold to my southern nature, but it is only at the beginning, when they don’t know you. After they know you, they open up and behind cold mask, you see a warm-hearted and smiling people.

Due to some circumstances, I have spent my Christmas in Sweden. It was one of the greatest experiences I have had.

The celebration starts from the morning 24th and ends in the afternoon 25th. From the morning 24th everyone is dressed nicely and everything is ready for the big lunch. To my surprise, there are a list of dishes swedes cook for Christmas. Like the bread recipe, that comes from generation to generation, of Jansen’s temptation and many other delicious dishes. After everything is cooked, there is buffet, where you pick everything you want and come to the table (it was an interesting experience for me, because in my culture we put all together on the main table).

After the late big lunch, in the evening the is present opening. Present opening is like everywhere and is a lot of fun.

Next day after the lunch we went for searching Tomte house in the forest. It was one of the most unique experiences in my life. We found Tomte in the middle of forest. Forests in Sweden are the most amazing ones I have seen.

Later next day we went back to Gothenburg and two days later went to the amazing cafe called Margaretas brod and bakverk.

This was one of the most interesting Christmases I have had with list of Swedish traditional dishes and Tomte house.