When nobody else sees you, and you are by yourself, your actions and thinking defines you. That is who you really are. We are assaulted by wrong dowers and fake media self images. Our daily life becomes sour, full with disappointments and mechanic thinking. We are very tempted to forget to filter every information through what is good and honorable. Because of this,the world needs a forced u-turn, and that starts with me and you! In this post you’ll find encouragements and updates for the real you.
I have decided to create this post to give other people the opportunity to see the good and beauty in others, because there are plenty of good individuals around us, but sometimes our eyes are blinded by darkness, and it hard to see the silver lining. I love to visit different places, and every time my family and I go to a new place, we are looking to connect with new Christian families, visiting churches around the places that we are traveling. We are an American- Romanian family, with high standard Christ-centered life style.