Chinese Style group dinner

If you are Chinese or a Chinese food lover in Uganda there’s this cool Chinese restaurant called fang fang. I had a group dinner there last night and the food was delicious. I don’t particularly remember the names of these dishes but im told they are authentic recipes.

There are also Chinese herbal teas to choose from.


@desree256 Chinese foods are popular among foodies worldwide. In our county, in the past, people liked to eat Chinese food on a special occasion with friends and family. But at present, this popularity is going down as foods from other countries are available. Thanks for sharing this nice food photos and description with us.

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Hi @desree256

This looks delicious, thank you for sharing it with us.

How often do you go there?

Which food do you like the most?

Hope you also added your great photos and review on Google Maps, as future visitors would really appreciate them. Did you know that you can create Google Maps lists with your favourite places and 4 tips for creating better lists You can read more about it.

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Fang Fang - what a cool name for a eatery. The food looks nice too @desree256 I wonder if they adjust it for local tastes like they (mostly) do here in Australia?

@PaulPavlinovich Ugandan food is drastically different from Chinese so their most popular dishes are food that is common to our tastes like Rice, chicken and Pork dishes. Other more continental dishes that include seafood are mostly consumed by international guests since we are not very familiar with it.

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@MukulR Same here! Especially indian food. Thanks for Appreciating.

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I think that is similar to here @desree256 - they tend to tone down the flavours and restrict the ingredients to suit what we’re used to so that we buy it!