Cheers around the world!

The warmest welcome are often made with a drink in hand.

As local guides, we want to help people feel welcome everywhere.

As local guides, we also believe in the power of collaboration, hence our participation in this group.

So, I invite you to help me complete this “welcome list”, which will surely be very useful to all travelers around the globes.

Please, send your additions, corrections, translations and even your stories!

*** Please, post photo of you and your friends around the world with your drink in your hand! ***

Cheers around the world

Language Spelling Phonetic pronunciation Translation in english
Afrikaans Gesondheid Ge-sund-hate
Albanian Gëzuar Geh-zoo-ah
Arabic (Egypt) فى صحتك Fe sahetek Good luck
Armenian (Western) Կէնաձդ Genatzt
Azerbaijani Nuş olsun Nush ohlsun
Bosnian Živjeli Zhee-vi-lee
Bulgarian Наздраве Naz-dra-vey
Burmese Aung myin par say Au-ng my-in par say
Catalan Salut Sah-lut
Chamorro (Guam) Biba Bih-bah
Chinese (Mandarin) 干杯 (gān bēi) Gan bay
Croatian Živjeli Zhee-ve-lee
Croatian Nazdravlje Naz-dra-vlee
Czech Na zdravi Naz-drah vi
Danish Skål Skoal
Dutch Proost Prohst
English Cheers Cheers
Estonian Terviseks Ter-vih-sex
Filipino / Tagalog Mabuhay Mah-boo-hay
Finnish Kippis Kip-piss
French Santé Sahn-tay Health
French À la vôtre Ah la vo-tre To you
Galician Salud Saw-lood
German Prost Prohst
German Zum wohl Tsum vohl
Greek ΥΓΕΙΑ Yamas
Hawaiian Å’kålè ma’luna Okole maluna
Hawaiian Kāmau kī`aha
Hebrew לחיים L’chaim
Hungarian Egészségedre Egg-esh ay-ged-reh To your health
Hungarian Fenékig Fehn-eh-keg Until the bottom of the glass
Icelandic Skál Sk-owl
Irish Gaelic Sláinte Slawn-cha
Italian Salute Saw-lutay
Italian Cin cin Chin chin
Japanese 乾杯 (kanpai) Kan-pie Dry the glass
Korean 건배 Gun bae
Latvian Priekā Pree-eh-ka
Latvian Prosit Proh-sit
Lithuanian į sveikatą Ee sweh-kata
Macedonian На здравје Na zdravye
Mongolian Эрүүл мэндийн төлөө ErUHl mehdiin toloo
Mongolian Tulgatsgaaya Tul-gats-gAH-ya
Norwegian Skål Skawl
Polish Na zdrowie Naz-droh-vee-ay
Portuguese Saúde Saw-OO-de
Romanian Noroc No-rock
Romanian Sanatate Sahn-atate
Russian Будем здоровы Budem zdorovi
Russian На здоровье Na zdorovie
Serbian živeli Zhee-ve-lee
Slovak Na zdravie Naz-drah-vee-ay
Slovenian Na zdravje Naz-drah-vee On health
Spanish Salud Sah-lud
Swedish Skål Skawl
Thai Chok dee Chok dee
Turkish Şerefe Sher-i-feh
Ukranian будьмо Boodmo
Vietnamese Dô, Vô, Một hai ba, Yo Jou, Dzo, Moat hi bah, Yo One, Two, Three, Go
Welsh Iechyd da Yeh-chid dah
Yiddish Sei gesund Say geh-sund

À la vôtre !


@Bruno , how are you doing? how is your movement around the world? whats the name of the drink or beer you are taking in that picture provided.

We arrived at the St-Ambroise terrace by boat from the Lachine canal and locks.

We, sailors, were able to force the captain to stop there. No beer, no work. Mutiny!

The captain forgave us with a beer.


The beer, on the picture taken “On the Rocks”, is a beer from the Kona brewery (Hawaii), but I can not remember which one. The other beer, which I took, is a “St-Ambroise Oatmeal Stout” from the McAuslan brewery (Montréal). I do not remember the beer that the “captain” took there.

Have a nice day!