Cheerish inclusivity & embrace diversity

Just as Google does, I care about diversity. In other words: inclusion.

Before Google maps existed, I was usually asked directions wherever I was, including cities I just visited for the first time. By that time I just memorized regular, printed roji maps. I have been told I don’t have accent of my own country several times or even the opposite, they used to tell me “my birth country”, guessed by themselves. Spain and Argentina are the top ones usually chosen… I just happen to belong everywhere.

Suddenly, you could have a title and a hobby related, helping others to catch the right way to get to their destination. I really love helping people, so I gave it a chance.

I tend to walk a lot. And by a lot I mean I can reach up to 4 kilometers in a row just admiring the view surroundings. So that’s a freaking lot.

When a shop catches my eye I just stop and tend to admire the building as if were going to be abducted by aliens. I cannot help it. I happen to be an Architect. I just stare at buildings in a way people can’t understand.

I love analyzing so I also watch peoples’ reactions as well as service attitude. Let’s say I play the mystery shopper at first. I have to pass over the same place around three times to be sure if that store is worthy to be photographed. By the time I get inside the store I usually get a look on the surrounding people. Yes, that’s other clients. And if somebody on the clients section or service crew happens to look at me up and down or roll their eyes at me with an unapproval gesture I just turn around and leave. For me, that’s how discrimination starts: by judging. And by being part of a minority, almost my entire life, that surely counts. When I finally pick up a place to get in and stay, I generally order something on the menu. Sometimes I interview some customers about service, as well as the employers about employees, so I can get the full picture in my mind before taking action to the ones I upload.

When I get the pics done, I make sure the taken set is the best, including plants, lights, furniture and products.

When I introduce myself as a local guide on Google Maps I make sure to explain I love the service there and as long as you cannot take pictures of the service as you can take of the products they are selling, I just try to get the best shop’s views pictures. Always with <> google’s policies. I don’t edit my photos so it has to be done on the first shot.

Sometimes I get rewards from shop’s owner’s when they realize they have been having more clients due to photographs and opinions.

So I think we have pretty much a symbiosis here.

Now I’m working on a new <<vegan stores & products>> list. I’m turning vegan and have to buy at least one product of each place to have an opinion. We know they are not cheap. There are not lots of vegan stores or restaurants either here but one has to try… Greetings from TRC