MALAYSIA is a country where you can easily find very delicious
" chee cheong fun 猪肠粉 ".
Today, I’m going to show you the most beautiful and delicious and cheapest chee cheong fun.
Is located at my city call, IPOH.
IPOH is located at PERAK states, and PERAK states is located at north of KUALA LUMPUR, the capital of MALAYSIA.
This restaurant is located at Bercham, is named " Restaurant TIEN TIEN 南天茶歺室 " once you reach Ipoh city, you just take a taxi to where you like to go. At this restaurant, it is famous for Ipoh white coffee, and the owner of the restaurant are renting out a lot of stall for the hawker to sell different foods. One of the most popular foods that I like most is this stall selling chee cheong fun 猪肠粉.
When you made-up your order, remember to tell you want “all” meaning is everything and u want it in extra large.
I hope you enjoy this