Checking Facts

Does anyone know when Google maps is planning to fix the checking the facts feature on the maps app? It doesn’t actually count towards my badges right now.


@Datlomelifella you can tag sir @MortenCopenhagen your issue may be you find right solution.


Hi @Datlomelifella

It is now several months ago that we were told that the relevant team were aware of this and they would find a good solution. Since then I have not been informed further. And I can assure you that this was mentioned also in Tokyo.

Let me tag @DeniGu to check if she will make another inquiry and possibly get a timeline.

On the other hand, please consider making other great contributions. I guess a probable solution could be to simply remove the badge, so please don’t get hung up on this issue.

All the best


Thanks for the tag, @ShailendraOjha


@Datlomelifella تحياتي لك.ارجو لك الصحه والنجاح.لقد اجابك المشرف الأخ مورتن كوبهاجن حول ذلك الأمر.شكرا


Hi @Datlomelifella and @MortenCopenhagen ,

We can’t share a timeline at this time, but I want to assure you that the teams are aware of this and working on it.


Glad I found this post. It was driving me crazy when I was never able to use this feature from last 2 years. Will keep an eye to hear from Google team when this is fixed.

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Hello @Datlomelifella ,

It is fixed now by removing the Facts Checked criterion as highlighted here.

Thanks @DeniGu for aligning the team to fix this.

Thank you for your support.